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Welcome to the SaiyajinZRealm. Take a look at What's New in our web. Here you'll find anything you need to know about Dragon Ball Z and later on you will find full movies here!!

Here you will find a lot of stuff about dragon ball z. Some things you will learn that you never knew before. We just started the site on 12/21/00 and we should be working on this site every day unless somehing comes up.

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News : By SuPerVeGeTa

Website created. Originally created on homestead but we did not have enough disk space and that was the wall for us.


             Well i put up a new top banner as you can see, i have been trying to get someone to make an animated affilite banner, i put the site on a lot of top lists so we can get some hits because i dont  see the point of this if noone is going to look at it, PLEASE VOTE, i dont do that  shit other sites do, like make you vote to enter their site, but  please take 1 minute to vote for each thing, it will help a lot., im working on buttons and then ill work on information and the site will be good.


        Sorry i havent been updating the news much i have been working around on the basic format and stuff and i am waiting for brian to send me a good top banner so i can get rid of this crappy one i made in a second, i made affiliate buttons and banners, and ill replace them with the moving affiliate buttons when i make them.



I replaced the flash intro with an enter picture i made due to loading complaints, if you think i should put the intro back on and just put a skip movie link, email me. I added some multi-media.



The flash intro has music on it now, we changed the background from black to bluefade, and took off the crappy stuff like the bullets and the line breaks and added more colors, I put in some movie clips and Movies 5 and 6.


  • Me and Power, a new member of the site, have gotten the flash intro up on the site.
  • I have been uploading movies and movie clips so that will be up soon



  • I have been playing around with the home page picture and the buttons and i havent been updating the News Section, but not many people visit the site often so if your a fan of the site, please do as much possible to make it known. I havent been getting help from the others but im trying to work on the site as much as possible.



  • I edited the home site a lot after few suggesstions from SSJ3G0teNkS
  • I have been uploading movie clips onto our provider and looking for sponsors and making banners.



  •    I fixed all the links, and fixed up pictures, text,ect....
  •    I created the message board so feel free to check it out and post stuff on it.



  • Good news! We have the domain name and the site is up.



  • So far we are close in getting a domain, i plan on making it It will have movies weekly so be sure to come by often.



  • I am planning on getting our dotcom website very soon, right now there is no domain so in reality noone is reading this right now. Please be patient for soon this website will amaze your eyes.



  • Website created. Originally made on Homestead.
  • Website will be worked on everyday, dont worry.



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Last updated: March 06, 2001.