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IronMaiden's Refuge
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I have my own business -designing, promoting and hosting websites: - building the web one site at at time. Stop by my business site today and fill out the quotes form. I'd be happy to let you know how easy and inexpensive it can be for you bring your business to the forefront on the world wide web.

That's just how I make my living, but there is much more to who I am and what I'm interested in. On these pages I hope to provide some material that will show you who I am and, for anyone interested, I also intend to provide some useful tricks, tools and tips for other WebMasters.


I am a member of Narcotics Anonymous and I surrendered to the disease of addiction on February 3, 1991.  Thanks to Narcotics Anonymous, I now have a life beyond my wildest dreams.  I have three wonderful children and an incredible husband.  My career is the embodiment of everything I dreamed of but never thought I could get paid to do.  Everyday I get to experience the joy and freedom of this new way of life that I would never have found without Narcotics Anonymous. I welcome email from anyone who wants more information on NA or you can check out some of my links.  Narcotics Anonymous promises that "Any addict with the desire to stay clean can lose the desire to  use and find a better way of life"
 "Live to ride and Ride to live"                       ~IronMaiden ~ 

  • Market Position Forum
  • WebPage Monitor
  • WebReview/WebTools
  • Search Engine Guide
  • WebMaster Resources
  • LinksToYou Counter
  • Link Popularity Program
  • Searchword Suggestions
  • HTML Color Charts
  • Net Mechanic
  • The Font Addict
  • Create8 Fonts
  • The Font Guy
  • Gif Construction Set
  • Graphic Workshop
  • Animated Banner Maker

  • Check back soon! 

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