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You have to do the personal work and exploring if you want to grow. Jung used to talk about staring into that shadow in the corner. Just stepping into that shadow and going, "OK, what is it that I fear the most? What is it that freezes me up like a doe in the headlights?" And then go and do that and see what happens. The worst thing that'll happen is you'll die.

This is my lastest list of live and rare recordings available for trade.

Recent News

  • December 31
  • New John Scofield album is released; Oysterhead is also out and touring; Still no news on NIN's Fragility DVD or the Tapeworm project. Also, Tool is slacking on the release of the Schism DVD.

  • August 5
  • Well, now that hearing Schism on the radio has gotten old to many of us (not me, however), finally it is confirmed Tool will be playing a Boston show sometime in late September with an opening band consisting of a guy from Slayer, one from Faith No More, and Buzz from the Melvins. On a side note, the date for the release Guns 'N Roses album, Chinese Democracy has been indefinitely pushed back. It appears his record company said this is an Axl solo album, but GNR, but who knows, except that most of us won't get to hear it for now. Axl has also been having problems getting venues to play at as he has a reputation for arriving onstage hours after the schedualed time. Lastly, I would also like to say that most of the bands on the radio these days suck, there is no question. But I, like the thug next door, likes a little music to get you goin' in the morning. Lately, I reccomend Disturbed. In your face, like 'em or hate 'em, potent kick in the ass. I'm not sure the CD is worth $18 as I only listen to the first 6 songs or so (out of 13) but it simply rocks.

  • May 11
  • Ok, the rumors about the Tool album being onsale are false according to the offical website. Whether the album is available or not...who knows, and who cares. May 15 is the only important day...Make sure you -buy- the album, it will be worth it. Fuck Ebay, fuck the Napster rumors, buy the goddamn album.

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