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Things to watch out for......

If you need help, find reliable sources.  There are lots of places to find good information - sources we found useful were:  Friends, family, websites, car clubs, car shows, swap meets & catalogs.

This is a time consuming effort.  You better love this stuff if you have real plans of getting into it! (oh yeah - it takes  a few bucks, too)

Be patient - if you are working on something and it isn't going right & you feel like hitting your head against the wall, STOP!  don't force things and regret it later. 

Save your receipts.    It may be painful to see just how much you have spent, but you will be glad you have this to justify value when it comes to insurance appraisals.

Take lots of pictures as you go.  The more the better.  They can be a real life saver if you don't remember how things go back together.  Pictures are an important part of the documentation of your project & they are fun to look at when it is finally over!

If you are dismantling a car to do a frame-off restoration, keep track of where you put all those parts.  There are tons of them & they end up everywhere -  under the bed, in the basement, attic, garage, living room, kitchen, den - you name it and at one time we had parts there!

Always use fender covers when working on the car - no matter how small or how quick the job is.  Scratches happen quick - watch out for =>> buttons, watches, jeans, rings, belts, tools, parts, among other things.

Hot direct sun can damage your paint job.  Always use a chammy cloth after you wash the car to eliminate water spots.  Never let your car sit in hot sun with water droplets on it.

When you wash the car, be careful  - if the tires are 30 years old, you may end up with an instant flat if you accidentally knock off the air stem valve with the sponge.

When you are installing the antennae, be careful....don't drop the nut for the base inside the fender, it is very hard to get back out.

Keep your pets away from the car.  Claws scratch & the fur gets everywhere.                

When testing the lighter, watch for smoke coming from the back of the dash panel. This is a sure sign that it is malfunctioning.  For more fun, grab the hot lighter knob with your bare fingers to get a really cool knob impression burned into the end of your fingers.

If the horn keeps beeping when you turn the wheel after you install it, then take it apart again and check the horn ring to be sure it is seated properly and not warped.  It could be just grounding out as the steering wheel is turned to the point where the warp is.

If you go for the stock look and use the old style batteries, be sure to check the water level.


    Here's a really great saying I found on the Team Chevelle website:   

A car can be restored over and over, but it is ORIGINAL only once.


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