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Derek's Game World

July 17th
Angelfire's server is really screwy and it has said I have a gig. worth of files in an account that can only hold 5,000,000 bytes!!! It has also completely wiped out my homepage (/ct/derekgolf) so I don't know what to do. I may just give up on the whole thing. I put a lot of work into this, and then this happens, it gets pretty frustrating!!
This page is a new addition to my website. My other home page is @ That site is devoted to golf. I have added another page for more space. This set of pages will be dedicated to computer games such as Tetrinet, NFS3, Links LS, & Links Extreme. Right now, it looks pretty putrid, but I don't have a lot of time right now. So, be patient. I also just got a new game (PGA Championship 99) so I should be putting some stuff up about that too...Please feel free to visit both. Right now, both pages are heavily under construction with the transfer and everything, so please bare with me..Check back every now and then to see the updates..


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