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I also like Silverchair,Pantera,Static-X,SLIPKNOT,System of a Down,P.O.D.,Korn,Kittie,The Deftones,Coal Chamber,White Zombie Rob Zombie,Metallica,Cypress Hill,Jimi Hendrix,The Sex Pistols,Janis Joplin,Orgy,Guns 'N' Roses,Marilyn Manson...NIRVANA of course, I dont like hole,only cuz Courtney killed *Kurt* I listen to A TINY BIT of rap.I also like alot of the Local CT HARDCORE BANDS like LAST ELEMENT( guys fucken ROCK,FadeAway,CRITICAL LIMIT-They also kick serious ass.Their cd "words on paper" is worth getting.RedMudRising-these dudes r kinda stoner-rock if i remember correctly.ZeroDown rox( I love these dudes(ESPECIALLY STACEY-the vocalist/guitarist)SUPPORT LOCAL MUSIC!!Go to shows at the NEWTOWN TEEN CENTER!! I am in a band called *CONDEMNED FECES*.WE NEED A DRUMMER,SO IF YOU LIVE NEAR WATERBURY,THEN EMAIL ME @

IN MEMORY OF KURT DONALD COBAIN *^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^

. TO THE KEN AND JATIE SHOW..or was it The Jen and Katie show..I think I had it right the first time.. "How ya doin?" to: TO JAY AND SILENT BOB,I LOVE YOU GUYS!"Thats beautiful,man" What u want Grizley Addams? *Jen:You're brother is delicious...but...I dont want him no more cuz hes a big crackhead..remember da frostin with da 40 sac 4 Xmas n my bday?Smoken behind rite aid?All the fun (n shitty)times we had at da mall?MY BOWL N WHEN WE SMOKED IT OUT MY WINDOW ON MY BDAY?HELL YEAH UR MY BBF 4L!!KEEP ROCKEN MAH NIGGAH * **K8 DA SK8-U rock SERIOUSLY MAN U GOT SUM CAJONES IF U SHAVED UR HED.MEMBER ALL THE AWESOMIST TYMES WE AHD IN SOUTHINGTON?DA RED HOUSE....DA TEMPLE(IN WTBY..SMOKEN W/ CHUCK ON YUR FRONT PORCH?ALL THE KEWL SHOWS WE'VE WENT 2?THE FEAR FACTORY CONCERT?***DOBECK'S ~STOGE~?!omg when me n jen wer rollen friday in the park w/ jason?.....u rock 2 ya gothic freak!I CANT WAIT TILL OZZFEST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ***Mike frum FADE AWAY I love ya!I had fun at the park on the Fourth of July that was serously awesome!We have to chill again sooooon!ur band is fucken _sick_~~~!!!NOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!hahahahhaah U SUCK U FAG **Bobby (RUSTY)-U rule.U r the coolset dude lol keep smoken dat dust mah brotha lol hahah *Kevin:Katie's X-MAN "Neo-sporadic some-what erratic masculine masichistic feminen lesbian jews!MEMBER WHEN U AND I "SKIPPED" SKEWL?LOL THE PopO'S.THOSE BASTARDLY BASTARDS *Ross:You're really cool.You hafta come over and teach me some sh*t on the guitar.:)hOW ABOUT THAT PARTY HUH?DUNKIN DONUTS.HOWS GREG(WHOCARES) *Pat:howz tha piercing?Freakin Pat is THE SHIT!:)I LOVE U SOOOOOOOOO MUCH.FUCK WHITNEY THAT GODDAMN TRUCK STOP SLUT. *Landon:Y'D U HAFTA MOVE????"LOL..U Are TOO COOL! Leah:"KEEP ON PUFFIN'"Yur Kewl...i LIKED UR PARTY SORRY ABOUT ME N PAT...... **JACK-HEY U R REALLY KEWL I THINK U LOOK JUST LIKE KURT COBAIN AND U SOUND LIKE HIM WHEN U SING.IF I KNEW U BETTER I'D B IN LOVE WITH U LOL KEEP ON PUFFIN WIT KEV.F*CK DA pOlIcE! *To Lauren D:You are real cool!i MISS CHELLEN AT PLAY PRACTICE N DRIVIN AROUND DA BLOCK SMOKEN OUR PRECIOUS P-FUNKS!Thanx for the stoges!Glad we're friends.Smokin the bathroom up!iM GUNNA MISS U bLUE HAIR JASON-hEY WHATS UP POPPA SMURF PENNIS MASTER?NOTHIN HERE THANX 4 DA ORGY N FOREPLAY--*iM GUNNA POKE YUR NOSE WHEN I C U*remember wen me n jen were rollen Friday?whut happennd@ the park lol I'll never 4get! *To Sylvia: You're a VeRy good friend!Sylvia loves LOU!DONT TRY 2 DENY IT U BOTH R RETARDED 4 EACH OTHER!!!DONT SMOKE THE COKE! *To Kritzia:YUR NOT VERY KOOL N E MORE CUZ U DITCHED K8 4 YUR "HAPPY PUNKER" BUDDIES,K8'S WAY BETTER THEN THEM NO OFFENSE BUT U SUCK :)*TO ALL THE KEWL PEOPLE IN SOUTHINGTON THAT ARE nICE TO ME,AND ALL K@TIE'S FRIENDS YUR KEWL TOO.. _______TO EVERYONE WHO VISITS MY PAGE AND READS THIS JUNK,SORRY FOR THA TYPOS... ****~~~~~~SAVANNAH IM SERIOUSLY NOT FUCKING AROUND IF U DONT STOP TAKIN SHIT OFF OF *MY* SITE IM GONNA KICK UR STUPID UGLY ASS.IF U KNEW SO MUCH ABOUT KURT,THEN U WOULDNT HAVE TO COPY N PASTE MY SHIT ONTO YUR PAGE BITCH!!!!!!!!!*******~~~~FUCKEN WHORE (*TO ALL THE STUPID PEEPLE IN SACRED HEART[especially Rob Calo],I THINK YOU REALLY SUCK A FAT ONE.) ***And To All Who Belive Kurt Donald Cobain was/is/and always will be the Greatest Man on Earth,MAD PROPS TO YOU!I LOVE ALL OF YOU!!! *^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^**
Kurt Cobain Facts:

*Kurt got his 1st used guitar by selling his stepfather's collection of guns which he hired some one to get out of the river after Kurt's mom threw them there.(Thus creating the title "From the Muddy Banks of the Wishkah")
*He dropped out of high school 2 weeks before his graduation.
*He worked as a cleaner part time at his Aberdeen High School.
*On the back of the album "Bleach",his name was spelled "Kurdt Kobain".This was because no one could figure out how to spell his name, and they couldn't get a hold of Kurt, so they came up with the wackiest spelling they could.Kurt obviously liked it becuz the name showed up on Nirvana's first true single "Love Buzz"
*The song "About A Girl" was written about his then-girlfriend Tracey Marander,who threatened to kick him out if he didn't find a job.
*When Kurt was young he wanted to be a stuntman. He would ride his motor bike around alot and built ramps and stuff.
*He suffered sharp stomach pains ,which he used drugs like heroin,cocaine,and cold medicine to get rid of the agonizing pain.
*The song "Smells Like Teen Spirit"off of the album "NeVeRmInD" was inspired by when his friend Kathleen Hanna OF L7,wrote on the wall of Kurt's home,"Kurt smells like teen spirit".Kurt didn't realize that she meant the deodorant called Teen Spirit untill he started writing the song.
*Kurt married HOLE front-woman Courtney Love on January 24 ,1992 and they had a daughter named Frances Bean together.
*The album"In Utero"was meant to have been called "I Hate Myself and I Want To Die..." until Courtney convinced Kurt to change it.
*Three of Kurt's uncles had previously commited suicide.
*Kurt liked to listen to The Melvins,Leadbelly,The Vaselines.
*Some people referred to his wife,Courtney, as "The b**** that was ruining Nirvana.Now most of us refer to her as the b**** who killed Kurt!
*When Kurt was young,he used to play his guitar VERY loud, and one day his stepdad grew tired of the irritating noise and smashed itInstead of just telling him to turn down the amp!Kurt was very pissed off.If sumone smashe my guitar I'd break their fucken neck!
*Frances Bean Cobain got her name from Frances Farmer and from when Kurt said he thought she looked like a kidney bean in the ultrasound picture.
*Once,when Kurt's step-uncle Larry took him fishing,he never even dipped his rod in the water the whole time he lay by the river.He just leaned back and screamed.When his uncle asked him what was wrong,Kurt simply smiled and replied."Nothing.I'm just strengthening my vocal chords"
*August,1984,Kurt spiked his hair "and started spray-painting people's cars.I claimed I would forever be a PUNK!"
*Contrary to popular belief,Kurt was actually born in Hoquiam,Washington,not Aberdeen or Seattle.
*For awhile,Kurt was homeless,so he lived under the North Aberdeen Bridge.If you listen to the song "Something in the Way",he refers to "underneath the bridge/tarp has sprung a leak..."
There's nothing like your first born---nothing,"His mom Wendy told journalist Michael Azerrad. "No child even comes close to that.I was totaled out on him.My every waking hour was for him." Kurt's mother was not alone w/ those feelings,however. There was something compulsive about the child,on energy,a dynamisim,a sense of explosive precoicty which neither she nor anybody else she knew had ever before encountered in one so young.On at least one ocassion,talking w/her own mother,Wendy admitted that Kurt's perceptiveness almost scared her,and when the boy was excited,-as he often seemed to be-it was all she and Don(his dad) could do to control him. Kurt was prescribed ritalin,an amphetamine-based drug which has been proven an effective weapon against excessive energy in children.In Kurt's case,however,the tablets had an effect even more excessive than his "normal"behavior,frequently keeping him up and active untill the small hours of the morning. The treatment halted,the sedatives substituted for speed.Now he slept in school.Finally,it was suggested that Kurt's parents take the most drastic step of all: remove sugar from Kurt's diet.It finally worked. This restrictive new diet quieted Kurt,but it did not slow him down.He was everywhere at once,getting into trouble whenever/wherever possible,and if it wasnt him it was Boddah.Boddah,Kurt would proudly explain was his friend,an invisible ball of irrepressible energy,and it didnt matter what went wrong around the house,what latest piece of mischief could be tracked back to Kurt,Kurt always had an answer waiting on his lips."It wasnt me who did it,it was Boda." Finally,it was Kurt's Uncle Clark who hit a solution.A soldier,he asked Kurt if he could take Boddah to Vietnam with him for company.Kurt looked at his Uncle quizzicaly,then very seriously led his mother to one side."Boddah isnt real,"he whispered,"Does Clark know that?"
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Link to his "suicide" note I dont really think it was suicide I think Courtney killed him!!!!The whole thing is so damn confuzing!!!N then that Bitch killed EL DUCHE,the man that said Courtney offered him 50,000 to KILL Kurt Cobain!!!!! Some say it was murder,some say suicide......
There r facts that support both sides of the story(mostly facts on why he COULDN'T have killed himself)....I guess we'll never know.Kurt Cobain was a mysterious guy,and he died a mysterious death.... Some people are so stupid and narrow minded as not to even consider listening to Niravna's music simply because they think *Kurt* killed himself!!AHHHHHHHHHH!That INFURIATES ME! ____________________________________________________________________================================================================================ {PEACE TO ALL MY 6 SIGGIE NIGGIES} (whatver *that* maens) PUNK ROCK!!~! HEAVY METAL!!!!ACID!!GrRRr PS:WATCH CLERKS,MALLRATS,AND DOGMA!IF U DONT YOU SUCK!!!
PS:I hope you all have a very WASTED day....... Peace,Love,& Empathy,
Sincerely ,The Freak Herself, He@thyr He@db@nger


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