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Pikachu Award of Excellence

News: -The release of Super Smash Bros! My friend tells me that the game is awesome! If you choose a pokémon u get pikachu. If u beat the game with him u get Jiggilypuff. I also hear all 150 pokémon are in it! -I just got the new GamePro and in is some new info on Pokémon. Pokémon Pinball will come out in June. Also, Pokémon Yellow is set to come out in the Fall. It mirrors the show. -I'm not sure but, I heard that they are gonna stop makin' new Pokémon Episodes until the fall. They will have 50 new episodes and playing them Monday-Saturday. -That cheat for Mew by The S.S. Anne is a bunch of Extinct Pokémon Poopie! Click on the Cubone to Vote 4 me In the top 10 sites!

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