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Hi there! You've reached the homepage of a really INSANE person! Hehe... ok, so Maybe I'm not that insane. My name is Candice, although some of you may know me by my various online aliases, which include xandria, Alexandria, Claudia, ShadowDancer, RainDances, cheWToY, Pantheress, Kali... (I obviously use lots of names *grin*)

I got the nickname chewtoy a while back from a friend. But... I'm only a chewtoy for that special someone in my life. He knows who he is. *winkwink*


Ok. So you are curious to know more about me, huh? Well...

Click here to learn more about my major at Carleton University

Music in my life
The Vampyre

My virtual Bar!


This page is kind of under construction, so give me some time to get it done.

Cool Places to Check Out
Angelfire's home pages
The State of Insanity (Free Chat)
My Music Page
My Poetry Page
My Links Page :)
Chew Toys!!

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This Guestbook shared with another homepage *smile*

for the morbid you


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have been here since March '98!

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