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Due to many personal happenings, I have not been able to update this page in quite a while. I would like to apologize to those of you that frequent my site for current information on this fabulous trio. It appears however, that I will have alot more time on my hands and that I can get caught up again. I hope that I can come up with alot more stuff for your enjoyment and hopefully I can make my website even better than ever. Welcome to my Unofficial Ben Folds Five page. I hope that you enjoy your stay. Also, I would like it if you took a moment to check out this new band out of Groton, Ct. They are really a talented bunch of guys. Click below to be introduced to Fresh Cut Grass.


Ben Folds Five met in a coffee shop in Chapel Hill, NC. After they met they decided to jam and the rest is history! Ben Folds Five are: Ben Folds (piano & vocals) Darren Jessee (Drums) and Robert Sledge (bass).

To send postal mail to Ben Folds Five, write to:
Ben Folds Five
P. O. Box 1028
Chapel Hill, N.C. 27514-1028

Questions or Comments? E-mail me! Anyone is allowed to link to my site.

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Special thanks to Dragon-Bard for his help and support of this website. Thanks again and I love you.