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Sunshine Tinkerbellie

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This Is Me!

My name is Sunshine. I was born April 1st, 1995, I never go outside, outside is evil! I am dark gray/blue/silver, female, and have never had kittens. I am incredibly co-dependent and highy traumatized when mommy and daddy both leave the house.
This page is for me to tell you about myself and my many adventures.

My many kills.I kill lots of things because I am a great a mighty huntress and rule the domicile with an iron claw.
My kills have included
  • Flies
  • Moths
  • Waterbugs
  • A mouse (hehe left that in daddys shoe)
  • Potholders
  • Hunting caps
  • Packing peanuts
  • The couch
  • The kitty on the patio thru the glass (he smacks me in the head thru the glass when I am sleeping!)
  • And other things i can not recall at the moment
    I had two sisters in my life. Shadylane came when I was around six months old, She was born under my grandmas house and her mother was a wild stray. Shadylane was somewhat ferrell, even though she came to live with us at only four weeks old, she just did not get over being a wild child. She used to use her mighty "Butt fu"* when we fought/played. *Butt fu is where she laid on her back with her back legs dug into the carpet around her head with her butt in the air, this was her defense. Rotflol
    Shadylane died when she was around 2 years old, She had gotten into mommys sewing box and ate some really old highly dyed thread, she loved to play soccor with the thread spools but no one knew she actually ate the thread. She got very sick over a weekend and died from it. I miss her.

    Angelberry came in September of 1997, I never liked her, she was mean and bossy and had behavior issues, She peed on everything, in fact, her peeing on everything is what got her put outside, she actually peed on a sack of groceries in the kitchen! How uncivilized!

    I used to spend my evenings in mommys cabinets, but we moved in 1999 and I can not get into the cabinets now, I mostly spend my evenings stealing packing peanuts from the boxes by the front door from where mommy gets packages from the UPS man. Everynight I have packing peanut olymplics. I shred them and roll around in the peices. hehehe
    My fave toys are the shiney spongey balls that have th shiney stuff sticking out, my 50 pound catnip sack (I run it on my face lol), my piggy on an elastic sting, wrapped candy and packing peanuts.

    Below is a few of my journal entries I have decided to share with you guys.
    11-24-98--- I have been sick :o( i had to go to the doctor-mean doctor- and got a shot and drops that mommy has to hold me down and give me ...'reow reow reow' i kicked her good---and hairball medicine-YUCK!!- i didnt like that shot one bit--grrr--i had a fever of 106....not a happy kitty...but i am getting better and the drops are almost gone thank goodness those things are nasty.

    1-20-99 INTERLOPER!! Oh my goodness.... i was sitting o the back of daddys chair staring out the window, and this CAT ( i'm allergic ya know ) was on the porch railing sniffing at me thru the window!!!!! Let me tell ya i gave her a peice of my paw!i smacked her good, only thing i cant figure out is why her face was so flat and hard and she wasnt flinching, and why mommy was laughing so hard.... on a brighter note, am doing much better i am not sick now those yucky drops made me better :o) but my obessesive compulsive disorder is still here, :o( i licked a bald spot on my leg, mommy tries tostop me from cleaning myself when sit on her desk next to her.
    6-17-99- Well mommy and daddy and me moved last month!! and i am soooo much healthier and playful now!! we moved from a nasty trailer to an apartment and i love it... i sit in the patio doors all day watching the birdies and animals coming in from the nature trail...i have room to run and enjoy myself....i only get in trouble when i claw mommys new couch..eeeek!!

    Please sign my paw print book!!!

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