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Earthworm Jim 2

Earthworm Jim 2 Cheats & Codes

The Game Show | Cheat Codes | Other

LE FastCounter

Earthworm Jim 2 for Saturn is like Mario on steroids. It's anything but serious, but still maintains a huge level of playability. I guess that's why I like it so much, but maybe it's just the cows that make it cool. This page contains the answers to most of the game show questions, and some cheat codes. Some of the codes may work on another platform, but they're for the Saturn version. All the game show questions you see here I put down myself. I didn't get those from anywhere else. The codes are from Saturnworld, except for the coordinates code and 'The Manta'. If you don't think you'll need them, you should check out Playmates on the web. (Don't worry, it's not what you think. Playmates is the one of the companies that produced Jim.)

The Game Show

At the end of the "Villi People" level, Jim becomes the contestant in a wacky game show. Listed here are all of the questions that I've seen asked, along with the right answer. Sorry, I don't know all of them. But for those few, I've included what the answer isn't.

  • Can I borrow $10 but only take 5? That way I'll owe you $5 and you'll owe me 5 and we'll both be even.
    A: OK

  • Can Jim speak French?
    B: Non

  • Can Jim speak German?
    C: Bitte, wo ist die toileten

  • Can Jim speak Japanese?
    ?: (Not A)

  • Can Jim speak Spanish?
    A: Si

  • Can Jim tie himself into a knot?
    ? (Not B)

  • Can Peter Puppy have a bite of your ice cream sandwich?
    C: Over my dead body

  • Can Psy-Crow beat Jim at arm-wrestling?
    B: Jim has no arms

  • Coal is to water as a light bulb is to:
    C: Wet coal

  • Does Jim have piranha in his aquarium?
    C: Both A and B

  • Does Jim's mom approve of the girls he brings home?
    A: No, she does not

  • Does misery love company?
    ? (Not B)

  • Don't worry,
    C: Be happy

  • Fore!
    A: A nice shot

  • Have you read the instruction manual?
    A: No

  • Have you seen the Earthworm Jim cartoon?
    A: Yes

  • How does Jim spell his first name?
    B: MIJ

  • How easily can you complete this level?
    A: Press reset

  • How fast does Jim's plasma gun fire?
    A: A bazillion rounds a second

  • How many donuts are in a dozen?
    A: 8, by the time you get home

  • I think I've heard that before...
    B: Andy probably told you

  • I don't get it.
    ?: (Not B)

  • If A is the correct answer, what is B?
    B: The correct answer

  • If all the particles in the universe were to collapse to a single point, it would create a:
    A: Mess

  • If Dan was stuck in Mexico City, how many days would it take before he would eat?
    C: Mexican food is good, Dan is evil

  • If Jim wasn't a worm, what would he be?
    B: A cow

  • In a dogfight between a Spitfire and a Harrier, who would win?
    B: The harrier

  • In China, this cartoon character was renamed. There he was called:
    A: Mickey Mao

  • Is Jim dyslexic?
    A: SEY

  • Is there a correct answer for this question?
    A: Yes

  • Jim is to worm as Jam is to:
    B: Dog

  • Jim makes a good:
    B: Hood Ornament

  • Jim's favorite magic trick is:
    A: Pulling a rabbit out of his hat

  • Jim's super suit is :
    ?: (Not A)

  • Jim's super suit is what size?
    C: One size fits all

  • Jim was born in what state?
    B: Texas

  • Major Mucus usually has:
    A: Tons of loose change

  • Phrase your response in the form of a question.
    A: Huh?

  • Psy-Crow is named after which Shiny employee?
    B: Psy Sterling

  • Seven times seven equals:
    C: C'mon, I really need this power-up!

  • Sometimes the correct answer is not:
    B: (Blank)

  • Use what in place of butter when cooking?
    A: Shortening

  • What broadway musical is based on Annelids?
    C: The Worm of the Opera

  • What flavor is a cow?
    A: Milk

  • What food is not available on the streets of New York City?
    B: Real beef hotdogs

  • What color is Jim's red gun?
    B: Green

  • What exactly is a 'Mojo'?
    B: A tiny Elvis

  • What is a 'Chip Butty'?
    C: A totally rad power-up

  • What is Earthworm Jim's favorite disco dance step?
    C: The Funky Cow

  • What is Earthworm Jim's favorite fighting game?
    B: Samurai Slowdown

  • What is Jim favorite magazine?
    A: Annelid Monthly

  • What is Jim's second favorite disguise, after Blind Sally?
    A: Steve's Shop Vaccum

  • What is Princess What's Her Name's real name?
    A: What's Her Name

  • What is 'The Manta'?
    C: A secret move for Jim

  • What is the meaning of life?
    B: 42

  • What kind of license do you need to fly a pocket rocket?
    A: Class C

  • What was the answer to the previous question?
    ?: I can't figure it out!

  • When bowling, Psy-crow needs 7 pins to win. He should:
    A: Hit the reset button and throw a spare if no one looks

  • When is Jim's birthday?
    B: June 9, 1994

  • When Peter Puppy gets angry, he:
    B: Acts like he's been 'belted by gamma rays'

  • When will The Hammer tie the knot?
    A: Feb. 7, 1997

  • Where is Jim originally from?
    A: Texas

  • Who is the king of animals in Africa?
    C: Earthworm Jimba

  • Why are Jim's eyes different in color and size?
    A: The ladies love it

  • Why are we here?
    C: Because Scott is coming at 10 AM

  • Why is this question here?
    A: Don is heck-bent on getting his name into this game

  • Would you like that on account or gift certificate?
    B: On account of I'm cool

  • W.W.W. stands for:
    A: Weewy Wascawy Wabbit

The Secret Codes

Earthworm Jim has a few cheats that will help you along. And since I'm such a nice guy, I decided to tell you the ones I know. Actually, I got mine from Saturnworld.

The Cheats work like this: Pause the game and press the keys in the sequences given here. Unpause the game. Left=L, Down=D, Etc.

  • 100% Energy: LAZYDAYD

  • 9 Lives: YARDDALR

  • Red gun/Ammo: AUDRRLXC

  • Plasma gun/Ammo: CARRUDUL

  • Three Finger Gun/Ammo: DAUBRRCR

  • Missle Gun/Ammo: YAUCXLYU

  • Nuke-Gun/Ammo: YAXURRLU

  • Show coordinates: Hold XYZ, Left Shift, and Right Shift together. (I figured that one out myself! It doesn't work in Flyin' King.)
  • The Manta: Hold Z, Left Shift, and Right Shift together. (My brother figured it out.)

For the passwords, put them in at the password selection screen.

  • Level 2: gun - atom - blue gun - sandwich - can

  • Level 3: bubble gun - sandwich - sandwich - bubble gun - atom

  • Level 4: 3 gun - gun - missile gun - 3 gun - blue gun

  • Level 5: atom - bubble gun - bullet - can - Jim

  • Level 6: bullet - sanwich - gun - Jim - gun

  • Level 7: missle gun - blue gun - bubble gun - bullet - sandwich

  • Level 8: blue gun - can - bullet - missile gun - bullet - Jim

  • Level 9: bullet - gun - missile gin - bullet - Jim

  • Level 10: sandwich - gun - Jim - blue gun - blue gun

  • Level 11: 3 gun - bullet - bubble gun - atom - bubble gun

  • Level 12: missile gun - atom - bullet - atom - atom

Jim logo
Earthworm Jim
What's Her Name
Peter Puppy

O t h e r

The only thing I really have to say is if you feel strongly about any part of the page, you think it could be improved, you have more codes, etc., just e-mail me. Also, are the pictures trademarked or copyrighted? I would ask that anyone produced Jim would talk to me before doing anything. I don't mean any harm by putting Jim pics up. This site is maintained by

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