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This website is commited to providing the public with up-to-date information about the individual known as Shift.

After graduating from Vassar College in May 2003, it is reported that Shift hiked almost 800 miles of the Appalachian Trail until forced to quit in early October, when cold weather hardened her nutella to an unbearable level of unspreadableness. Disturbed by her inability to withstand cold temperatures, Shift then headed to the harsh northern lands of New Hampshire to combat this weakness. There, she endured through the winter season at the base of Mt. Washington in the employ of the Appalachian Mountain Club, withstanding temperatures that plummeted to almost -30F and attempting an ascent of the famed Mt. Washington which, unfortunately, ended prematurely as she concluded that some things were best done in the company of others. She did, however, summit the less formidable Mt. Waumbek in full winter conditions, and also developed some abilities with snowshoes, crampons, and ice axes during her time at Pinkham Notch.

In a daring twist of fate, Shift later switched loyalties and began work for the Green Mountain Club as a caretaker on Vermont's Long Trail. During the summer, she maintained operations at a shelter overlooking Vermont's highest elevation pond, later relocating to Camel's Hump, Vermont's third-highest peak, for the fall to help protect the fragile summit ecosystem, perpetually endangered by stampeding crowds of hikers.

Currently, she is a Long Trail caretaker by summer, hibernating vagrant by winter, with extremely vague future plans of gainful employment.