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Out on the porch at night,
Darkness all around me,
Fireflies lighting up the woods,
Wind chimes softly playing,
Their music in the breeze,
Frogs and crickets chirping,
Singing their songs in the night,
Farm animals all bedded down,
And quiet for their night sleep,
There is a sense of Peace,
But there is Something Missing,
There is no sense of belonging,
No one to share all this with...
For I alone sit to enjoy all...

Floating down the River in a canoe,
Looking at all the trees...
Bowing along the river banks,
Watching the fish jumping out of the water,
Noticing the beautiful birds,
As they catch their dinner,
Even seeing an old gator,
Laying on the bank sunning himself,
But still there is Something Missing,
For I enjoy all of this alone...

How do you enjoy life,
When you are alone...?
Who is there to talk too,
About what you see and hear...
Who is there to enjoy...
The simple things with you...?
There is no one there...
You are truly alone.....
God...Did not mean this to be...