Well um this is Chris i guess..Due to uh Racist comments(?) and whatnot (Not swearing) Everything we had um posted was deleted.. I had asked a friend about it today who makes web pages and such and i guess we're still lucky to even have the site..Usually they would have deleted the site completely, nothing left. Oh well i guess, something we'll have to watch out later.

Hmmmmm, racist comments. I don't beleive we had any of those. Unless your talking about when i said i hate terrorists....but they're not really a race...are they?? Or when i called a man in turkey dumb. But that isn't really racist either...cause there are alot of dumb people....unless they've become a race too. Just cause i said he lived in turkey, doesn't mean i was racist towards them. I love turkey....yup, with gravy. So, if angelfire looks hard enough at peoples sites to find racism the creators or writers didn't even know they put in, then they should read this. And if and when you guys do, i'd appreciate you sending me a message at jeffanderson921@hotmail.com. Maybe you just deleted our site cause the jokes sucked?? Anyways, if my theory about the owners of angelfire being terrorists, and thats why you cut is off, tell me. We won't tell anyone.....we uhhhh promise. :D -Jeff out.

Well, its been 40 seconds. DO YOU PEOPLE JUST SIT ON YOUR ASSES ALL DAY????!?!?!?! C'MON!!!!!!

Here Is a link to a temp site i had set up a while ago.

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