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Eric's City For Angels

Welcome to my personal webpage! I'm glad you decided to join me in this city of angels. I have the majority of my artwork here for you to see. I'll soon be uploading some more recent pieces. I've been on LOA this past year from school. Trouble as usual comes and takes something important to me away. But i will definitely be back at school in the fall of 2001 creating many more works of art for the world to see!! So, enjoy yourself, and hey, sign my guestbook, please. Critism whether positive or negative is always the best way to improve and know where you stand.

!!!!These are some of my most recent works of art!!!!

This is the Photo Gallery if you'd like to see some of my personal life.

I've been attending the Hartford Art School at the Univ. of Hartford for two years now. I like it very much. Both the faculty and majority of the students are friendly out going people with much incite. I've chosen to take on a double major of photography and sculpture. Although I consider photography to be the stronger field, I still hold a place for where the other side of my brain can take me. I've only worked with black and white photography, but that doesn't mean I'm only interested in that. Sometimes, a black and white photo can be much more interesting than a regular colored one.

Here's some of my art from Second Semester Freshman Year. Have a little looksie at those. I've already put up a picture gallery for Nirvana & Kurt Cobain. So, go check out those photos if you'd like.

"Childhood's over the moment you know you're gonna die." ~Top Dollar, The Crow~

Like i said the last you time you might have come here, a lot has changed. I'm lucky, i suppose. I'm still tryin to figure out who I am. And with much adieu, I'm inviting you to take a gander at the work i'm most proud of. This last year has helped me to understand some things I never knew before about myself.

This is the stuff that got me into art school!! lol.

My most favorite band on the entire planet is DAVE MATTHEWS BAND!!!! And that's because Dave Matthews kicks ass!!! You got a problem?.....just leave. Anyways, I also like many other artists. Ranging from Nirvana, to Korn and the Deftones, to Counting Crows, to Stabbing Westward, to the beautiful orchestral music in the background of good movies.

I am a candy addict. I live on it. It is a dedication in life that I could never give up. You can say that you eat more candy than me, but I've got some witnesses that would make you think different!

My most favorite movie of all time, as you might guess is.......The Crow! I don't really do any reading! Ooops! I'm not illiterate or anything, I just don't find books interesting enough for me. I think the only books that I actually read and enjoyed were 1984 and Lord of the Flies. I liked Great Gatsby too. I'd like to do some more reading, but I'm so damn busy with all my art shit, it ain't gonna happen too frequently.

I've got loads of buds on the internet, I've been chatting in MQ's for two and a half years now. So of course, I've met a lot of wonderful people. Some people say that internet friendships don't mean shit. But I think they are just as real, if not more, than "real life" friends. But anyways. Some of my most frequent acquaintances are Foxfire_2399 ;o); __Ophelia ;o); Loonachicky :o), ShuckyDucky, my dawg!; iieee, a cutie; febbie :o); and BumbleBee_75, my aussie babe!!; Excuse: oh little one :o) there's loads of others, but i've been brain dead lately and can't think straight!

Click here to check them out!

You can find me almost 99% of the time to be chatting in the Movie Quotes Room in Yahoo chat! Otherwise, tough tooties!

It seems as though friends aren't as easy to come by when you get older. It's a lot more difficult to trust people these days. I've been having the toughest time with people whom I thought were my friends. They say they'll always be there for you, that you can call them whenever you need someone to talk to for instance; but 9 times out of 10, they're either not there, or they don't call you back. And they'll make up some excuse the next time you see them. I'm tired of being lied to by everyone. I'm tired of people trying to walk all over me. So i've put my foot down. There are really only a few people i consider friends. Bryan's probably the closest thing to a best friend. But there's always Natasha and Sarah, who are always there to listen to me or talk with me or just plain have fun together. And here at home I see an old comrade Nate, whom i've known for a long time. That's bout it for that.

That's about all I have for now! Thanks for coming! And remember................ It can't rain all the time!-Eric Draven, The Crow

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