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The Southern vocabulary is similar to the rest of the Nation's - it only sounds different. The following is a sample to help all Yankees, in hope that it will learn them how to talk right. Yup...Somewheres South of the Border of Ohio and Kentucky, Old Mr. Webster's descendants are creatin a whole new dictionary...

GOOD OLE BOY - Any Southern male between age 16 and 60 who has an amiable disposition and is fond of boon companions, strong drink, hound dawgs, fishin', huntin', and good lookin' women, but not necessarily in that order. "Bubba's a good ole boy."

NAWTHUN - Anything that is NOT Southern. "He is a classic product of the superior Nawthun educational system." (sarcasm)

YANKEE SHOT - A Southern child's navel. "Momma, what's this on mah belly?" "That's yer Yankee Shot."

HEIDI - noun. Greeting.

MUCHABLIGE - Thank you. "Muchablige for the lift, Mister."

DAINTS - A more or less formal event in which members of the opposite sex hold each other and move rhythmically to the south of music.

MUNTS - noun. A calendar division. Usage: "My brother from Jawjuh bard my pickup truck, and I ain't herd from him in munts."

BARD - verb. Past tense of the infinitive "to borrow." Usage: "My brother bard my pickup truck."

RANCH - noun. A tool. Usage: "I think I left my ranch in the back of that pickup truck my brother from Jawjuh bard a few munts ago."

TAR ARNS - A tool employed in changing wheels. "You cain't change a tar without a tar arn."

DAYUM- A cuss word Rhett Butler used in "Gone With the Wind." "Frankly, my dear, I don't give a dayum."

SHEIT- Another southern swear word.

HALE - Where General Sherman is going for what he did to Hot-lanta. "General Sherman said "War is Hale" and he made shore it was."

WHUP - To beat or to strike. "HOOOEEE!!! Yer mama's gonna whup you fer sayin' a cuss word."

LIKKER - Whiskey; either the amber kind bought in stores or the homemade white kind that federal authorities frown upon." Does he drink? Listen, he spills more likker than most people drink.

CO-COLA - The soft drink that started in Hot-lanta and conquered the world. "Ah hear they even sell Co-cola in Russia."

LAW - Police, or as Southerners pronounce it, PO-leece. "We better git outta here. That bartender's done called the law."

NEKKID - To be unclothed.

OVAIR - In that direction, Same as Yonder. 'Where's yer paw, son?" "He's ovair, suh."

CYST - To render aid. "Can Ah cyst ya with them packages, ma'am?"

HEP - To aid or benefit. "Ah can't hep it if Ah'm still in love with you."

HEAVY DEW - phrase. A request for action. Usage: "Kin I heavy dew me a favor?"

FLARES - The colorful, sweet-smelling part of a plant. "If yer wife's mad at ya, it's smart to take her some flares."

KUMPNY - Guests. "Be home on time. We's havin' kumpny for supper."

PHRAISIN - Very cold. "Shut that there door. It's phraisin in here."

PLUM - Completely. "Ah'm plum wore out."

MOANIN - Between daybreak and noon.

BIDNESS - The art of selling something for more than you paid for it.

RETCH - To grasp fer. "The right feilder retch over into the stands and caught the ball."

SAAR - The opposite of sweet. "These pickles Sure are saar."

FUR - Because of or to indicate possession. "Fur yew ta get attair new car ya gotta go see Bubba bout a loan."

GIT - To acquire. Or to run someone off yer propperty with a gun. Usage: "GIT! Head on out now, Y'hear?"
PURDY - Adj. Lovely.

BLEEVE - Expression of intent or faith. "Ah bleeve we ought to go to church this Sunday."

DOC - A condition caused by the absence of light. Usage: "it shore is doc outside when the sun sits."

FAR - noun. A conflagration. Usage: "If my brother from Jawjuh don't change the awl in my pickup truck, that things a gonna catch far."

AWL- An amber fluid used to lubricate engines. "Ah like attair car, but it sure does take a lot of awl."

ATTAIR- Contraction used to indicate the specific item desire. "Pass me attair gravy, please"

EVERTHANG - All-encompassing.

CRINE - Weeping.

EVERWHICHAWAYS - To be scattered in all directions. "You should have been there when the train hit attair chicken truck. Them chickens flew everwhichaways."

BAHS - noun. A supervisor. Usage: "If ya don't stop reading these here Southern words and git back to work, your bahs is a gonna far you!"

SINNER - Exact middle of. "Have you been Ovair to the new shoppin' sinner?"

TIRE - noun. A tall monument. Usage: "Lord willin' and the creek don't rise, I shore do hope to see that Eiffel Tire in Paris sometime."

RETARD - Verb. To stop working. Usage: "My grampaw retard at age 65."

GRIYUTS - What no Southern breakfast would be without - grits. "Ah like griyuts with butter and sawt own em, but Ah purely love'em with red-eye gravy."

IDINIT - Term employed by genteel Southerners to avoid saying Ain't. "Mighty hot today, idinit?"

TARRED - adverb. Exhausted. Usage: "I just flew in from Hot-lanta, and boy my arms are tarred."

FARN - adjective. Not local. Usage: "I cuddint unnerstand a wurd he sed ... must be from some farn country."

SUGAR - A kiss. "Commeer and gimme some sugar, darlin."

LIEBERRY - A building containing thousands of literary works.

STOW - Place where things are sold.

HOD - adverb. Not easy. Usage: "A broken hot is hod to fix."

THODE - Verb. Past tense of throw.

WARSH - verb. To clean.

PITCHER - An image, either drawn or photographed.

SQUARSH - noun. A vegetable (also verb - to flatten). Usage: "Warsh that squarsh, Bubba ... you don't know where its been!"

GOFF- A game played with clubs and a little white ball.

BAWL - What water does at 212 degrees Fahrenheit. "That gal cain't even bawl water without burnin' it."

HAZE - a contraction. Usage: "Is Bubba smart?" "Nah ... haze ignert."

ARN - Noun. Implement for pressing clothes. Usage: "Clem, you arn them hogwarshers for church or I'm gonna have to git on you!"

GUMMIT - Noun. A bureaucratic institution. Usage: "Them gummit boys shore are ignert."

COLDRANK - Noun. A chilled beverage. Usage: "Becky Sue, you shore is purdy tonight. Less go git us a coldrank down to the fillin' station."

GULL- A young female. Usage: "Becky Sue shore is a purdy gull."

ZACKLY - Precisely.

ZAT - Is that. "Zat yer dawg, Mister?"

~~This site is dedicated to all my favorite rednecks who I love to bits...(except for you Al......LMAO.....just kidding) Hope it made you laugh for it was done for pure enjoyment.~~

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