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Bobby's World!!

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Hey, Hey...I hope you have your passport...you have just entered Bobby's world. A free willed place for those in need of free willing (ha ha ha). Voice your opinions or just read mine...or just sit on your lazy but and listen to the music...*"Fade to black" by the recently dissappointeing Metallica*. Anyway by law of Bobby's World: HAVE FUN!

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Bobby's view of the real world!

Topic: Cloudy
There is no time that you feel more alive than on a cloudy, windy, rainy day...you can catch the wind in your hand...feel the rain maze through your skin...and you can feel the chill tickling you...but you dont want it to...and you want to tell everyone else that you dont like the weather outside...but you dont even know how alive you feel...you want to think its one of the worst days of your life...and the best was this sunny day...when you laid in the sun...not moving...lifeless...thats what humans stive for...butwhatareyagonnado?

End the Number...

Signifigant Findings from the desk of mine truly:

10 things I hate

(Another product of people who dropped out of High School.)
(Pretty Bad Stuff)
Green Ketchup
(That is what we call "unamerican" my friends...)
Geo Metros
(Someone got fired for this one...)
(just know I don't like them...)
PT Cruisers
(from the creater of the Geo Metro)
Artificial dairy products
(Artificial and dairy should never be that close together)
Christina Agulera, Britney Spears, Mandy Moore, Jessica Simpson
Count them off: Christina - You seem to have disappeared off the face of the earth but some how you still annoy me! Britney when did the thought come across your mind that since you "can sing" you "can act"?, Mandy - Same too you......you are what my friends call typical good looking, And Jessica - no one likes you...
Bananna Muffins and/or Bread
(Fruit is not supposed to be in bread...)
Grease (the movie)
(I'm scared that one day someone is going to start singing about there summer and that I'm going to have to sing and dance along with them...I just gives me chills that are multiplying)

You are guest number since May 1998 But you'll get over it.

Page Last updated: Jewl-Eye Furst, 2004 [I don't own a calender...and you shouldn't either...we will look on the calender and find a date for you to through yours out!]