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Looking for a live church?
We have some free
memberships open.

God is not dead, though you wouldn't know it by the mood and pace of some followers. With some effort, religion can be made dull and even deadly, or at least lukewarm. Ho-hum.  

Actually, Jesus was a fascinating, controversial figure who came that we might have life. We think life is a good gift to be nurtured, enjoyed, and even passed around like fresh bread and new wine at a wedding celebration. Cheers!  

We're a local congregation of The American Baptist Churches. We find faith to be a tough but exciting experience, like life itself. We do all we can to keep the world moving, becoming more just and humane for us all.  


Faith is personal. We value freedom of conscience and personal religious experiences. No one is born a Christian since it's not a natural thing to be and do. 

We find that it takes some rethinking, returning, and remaking. We practice adult baptism so that people go into it with their eyes open at the age of consent.  

Faith is social too. We value the public exercise of faith by lay- persons. Church and state are separate but faith can inform our actions as citizens, employers, job- holders, consumers, parents, and neighbors. We take the liberty to work for a just social order in America.

As a worshipping community we're up front about our faith and our feelings. Out in the world we try to live and work our faith out in quiet, constructive ways. You're welcome to join us for a very lively experience. 

in New Haven 
205 Edwards St. 
New Haven, CT 06511 
Phone: 203-562-0069 
Pastor (Interim) 
Rev. Daniel Moga 
Weekly Services 
Sunday Worship 
10:30 am 
Nursery Care Provided 
Sunday School 9:15 am 
Bible Study 
Tuesday 7:30 pm 
Prayer Meeting 
Sunday 7:30 pm 
Office Hours 
Tues-Thurs 9:00 am – Noon 

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