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Title:Chaos in Times Square
Accomplishments:None Yet

Interviewer- Well we are here at Times Square awaiting for the new Smackdown superstars to come and make interviews with us. We hear that The Rock, Stone Cold, Randy Orton, and Chris Jericho will be arriving. Also we hear Jeff Hardy and A.J. Styles might come down to entertain the crowds too. This will be great.

{A limo pulls up}

Interviewer- Oh man this might be someone big. Lets see who it is!!

{The limo slowly comes to a hault, and the door swings open, it's Randy Orton!!}

Interviewer- Everyone look! Its Randy Orton! And he's with Ric Flair!

Randy Orton- The legend killer has arrived!

Ric Flair- Wooo, hes the, wooooo, legend killa!

{They walk inside the building as a HUMMER limo pulls up. The door slowly is opened by the driver and The Rock steps out and makes the peoples eyebrow and the fans go crazy}

Interviewer- Everyone check this out! It's The Rock!

The Rock- Shut up, jebroni!!

{The Rock kicks the interviewer in the stomach, then tosses him over the guard rail. The fans love it and go crazy}

The Rock- Roody poo candy asses....

{The 3rd limo pulls up and Jeff Hardy and A.J. Styles get up in a hurry and go climbing on the guard rials taunting the crowd, and everyones goes nuts! Jeff Hardy and A.J. Styles both calm down and head into the building at the same time as the Rock. This time a truck pulls up and it's Stone Cold Steve Austin in his black truck with the skull painted onto it. Stone Cold Steve Austin passes all of the media and slaps all of the fans hands and flicks off the crowd and begins to speak to the interveiwer}

New Interviewer- So what brings you here to Smackdown Steve!?

Stone Cold- Don't act like you know me you stupid son of a bitch. Im here to win the damn World title, weather your ass likes it or not. You stupid son of a bitch!

{Stone Cold stuns the new interviewer}

Stone Cold- Oh hell yeah!!

{The fans go crazy as Stone Cold walks into the building and the fans pat him on his back}

3rd Interviewer- Well, im back here right beside the other 2 knocked out interviewers, hahaha! And we are waiting for the arrival or Chris Jericho and Undertaker!!

{Another limo pulls up, and Chris Jericho steps out and poses for the crowd. He shows off his arms and gets on top of the limo. The fans cheer for him and he hits the 3rd intierviewer in the face then walks into the building}

4th Interviewer- Man, this is getting hecktic out here. We are in arrival for the Undertaker!

{A motor-cycle pulls up slowly and parks right in the way of the superstars to enter. The Undertaker steps off of the bike and makes his way in the building, but before he does that, he stops, looks at the crowd, and makes the Last Ride signal, then steps through the doors}

4th Interviewer- Lets check into the building to see whats going on with the superstars!

{The camera zooms into the stage in times square and it shows Sean "X-Pac" Waltman on stage with a microphone}

X-Pac- Welcome everyone, to the first get-together of the WWE Smackdown brand superstars!!

{Rey Mysterio steps into the building and everyone stares at him and X-Pac stops talking}

Chris Jericho(Yelling)- Sit down you little jackass!!

{Randy Orton tosses a roll into Rey Mysterios face then turns around acting like he never did anything}

X-Pac- Hey now! Sit your ass down and lets get this thing going!!

{Everyone settles down}

X-Pac- I am here to welcome all of you to the Smackdown brand, and let all of you know, that you are no longer just superstars, we are all a big family now, a family delivering ass-kickings to eachother every Thursday, and having PPV's to see whos the best.

{A few people laugh}

Ric Flair- Woooo!!

X-Pac- Ric shut the hell up!

Ric Flair- Okay sir....

Chris Jericho- Yeah you old peice of crap!

{Orton stands up and so does Ric Flair}

Chris Jericho- Lets go assclowns!!

{Chris Jericho dives over the table and nails Randy Orton in the head with a big flying elbow. Ric Flair kicks Jericho in the ribs then low blows him. Rey Mysterio jumps onto Flair and starts hitting him in the face over and over again. Undertaker grabs Mysterio and tosses him through a table. The Rock and Stone Cold start fighting and Jeff Hardy lands a swanton bomb onto Rey Mysterio. A.J. Styles gets stunned by Stone Cold, and Chris Jericho puts Ric Flair into the Walls of Jericho}

Ric Flair- I give I give!!

X-Pac- Damnit! Everyone get the hell out of here!!

{Chris Jericho lets go of Ric Flair and Randy Orton swings at Jericho and nails him in the jaw, Chris Jericho pushes Randy Orton over a chair then smashes Ric Flair in the face with a whine bottle. Ric Flair begins to bleed. The Undertaker chokes The Rock from behind and Rey Mysterio just begins to stand up. The security breaks everything up and an ambulence is called for Ric Flair}

X-Pac- Get these clowns out of here! This isn't Smackdown yet!!

{Just as all of the wrestlers are broken up, Sting busts through the closed door of the Times Square center and he clotheslines Randy Orton, then starts kicking him in his ribs and fans watching go crazy}

Interviewer- Sting is on Smackdown!?

{Ric Flair looks at Randy Orton confused and Orton just smiles as Chris Jericho walks past him with a cocky look on his face}

Ric Flair- Randy why didn't you help me!?

{Randy Orton stands up from the attack from Sting}

Randy Orton- Well because Flair, you didn't need help, your the nature boy, wooo, Ric Flair! Am I right!?

{Flair and Orton stare eachother down and Chris Jericho quickly kicks Flair in the face again. The medics there get in front of Chris Jericho to keep him from further harming Ric Flair. Chris Jericho walks right past Sting bumping shoulders with him in a sign of disrespect. As Jericho leaves, Sting, Orton, and Flair all stare him down. The room is full of tension rising for Smackdown}

Chris Jericho- See you all at Smackdown....

{Scene fades away}