ࡱ> ;=:` <bjbj *<2L2(666N       $hp116NAF 6N  6 rI G\0X.XXl11 222d 222 222 Graphix Productions  HYPERLINK "http://www.graphixpro.tk" Home Clients  HYPERLINK "mailto:graphixPro@yahoo.com" E-mail UsWelcome to Graphix Productions!!! Our company is now available to the public for the following services Web Site Creation, Technical Support, and Web Site Maintenance We hope you enjoy our services and will consider letting your friends know about us. Thank you!  Details Here are the details. You e-mail us and let us know what kind of site you want to have created for you. You give us all the details such as your Website/Company Name Merchandise and/or photos Send us some graphics or music you want on the site As well as let us know what you want it to say. Let us know EVERYTHINGyou, after all, are the customer. Once we have everything, we will create the website and notify you via e-mail after we are finished with it. You will then be able to view and browse through the site to see if you like it. If you want us to revise anything, we will be glad to do so. Otherwise, if you think it is good enough, we will hold the data until you mail us the amount due. Once we receive the funds we will (by default) setup your website on a url address and send you an e-mail with attachments containing all of the data that was used in creating the website. You can then use it to set the site up on a url address of your own choosing on your own time if you so desire.  Payment Method Below is a list of packages you can pay for. We charge $2.00 per web page in the site and $2 for the CD containing everything used in making the Site plus the finished product. The CD will be mailed to your door provided you give us your address. PackagesPriceWeb Site Only $2 per web page in siteWeb Site and CD$2 per web page in site $2 for CDCD Only$2Web Site Maintenance$10 monthly =>?CDEFNOPyz{̡̖shUsHs; * hnh2dB*phhnh2d0JB*ph$jhnh(wB*Uphhnh7OB*phjhnh7OB*Uphh2dB*phh2dh2dB*phh;2h2dB*phh;2h2d0JB*ph$jh;2h;2B*Uphh;2h;2B*phjh;2h;2B*Uph * h2dh0shh0sB*phhh0sB*CJHaJHphEFNO/ 0 $$Ifa$gd0s$a$gd0s)$$d %d &d 'd NOPQa$gd0s<. 0 .    ub]YG#hh ?,5>*B*CJ$aJ$phh6 h6<$h bh b5B*OJQJ^Jph!h`Uh bB*OJQJ^Jphh bB*OJQJ^Jphh\MB*OJQJ^Jph!hh6B*OJQJ^Jphh`UB*OJQJ^Jph!hh`UB*OJQJ^Jph(hh`U>*B*CJ4OJQJaJ4phh0s *h2dh2dh2d * h2dh2d . / D E _ ` zzzzzzzzzzzzz$a$gd0s|kdN$$Ifl      0} 8\ &, t09644 la  75kd$$Ifl,".  t 6  0644 l` a6e4p $ $& #$/Ifa$b$gd6$$& #$/Ifa$b$gd6 gd b$a$gd0s $&dIfPgd ?,$a$gd ?,gd6 Y  -.9:;<Ͻ|wiXiXTPh2dh  h5Rh <B*CJaJphh <B*CJaJph h ?,<h6h5Rh ?,B*ph h5Rh ?,<B*CJaJphh5Rh6B*ph h5Rh6<B*CJaJph h6<#h5Rh65<B*CJ(aJ(ph h6h ?,h ?,h ?,B*phh ?,h ?,B*ph#hh65>*B*CJ$aJ$ph]K?K $$Ifa$gd ?,$&dIfPgd ?,kdu$$IfTld0cL  t0644 l` apT ]KK? $$Ifa$gd ?,$&dIfPgd ?,kdQ$$IfTl?0cL  t0644 l` apT  ]KK$&dIfPgd ?,kd-$$IfTl?0cL  t0644 l` apT.:]KK$&dIfPgd ?,kd $$IfTl?0cL  t0644 l` apT:;<]XgdGkd$$IfTl?0cL  t0644 l` apTz+p ,p -p .p 1h/R 4567:p6/ =!"#$% zaB]"I<9k_( DyK yK 4http://www.graphixpro.tk/DyK yK 8mailto:graphixPro@yahoo.com$$If!vh5\ 5&,#v\ #v&,:Vl t0965\ 5&,a$$If6!vh5b#vb:Vl  t 6  65.` a6e4p $$If!vh5L5 #vL#v :Vld  t065L5 ` pT$$If!vh5L5 #vL#v :Vl?  t065L5 ` pT$$If!vh5L5 #vL#v :Vl?  t065L5 ` pT$$If!vh5L5 #vL#v :Vl?  t065L5 ` pT$$If!vh5L5 #vL#v :Vl?  t065L5 ` pT@@@ NormalCJ_HaJmH sH tH DA@D Default Paragraph FontRi@R  Table Normal4 l4a (k(No Listj@j 0s Table Grid7:V0l]@l2dz-Bottom of Form$$dNa$<CJOJQJ^JaJf\@f2d z-Top of Form$&dPa$<CJOJQJ^JaJ6U@!6 7O Hyperlink >*B*ph<*EFNO/0./DE_`  .:;>00000000 00000000 0 00000000000000000 0 000000000000000 0 0!00 0 0!0 00 0 0 0 0!0 0 0 0>ۊ09ۊ0ي0ي0@ي0@  0 <   :< < >COz<XXl,r$B]"I<9k_i|*@0(  t  BA ?5%" >>DO;>> Z! ?,;27O5R`U2d(wB0sGp\M_n6 b  .:;>@;;*;;<P@UnknownGz Times New Roman5Symbol3& z Arial=V  J Allegro BT"h"F( ( %r4d992LX)?0s2Graphix ProductionsjonewsomjonewsomOh+'0   @ L Xdlt|Graphix Productions jonewsom Normal.dot jonewsom16Microsoft Office Word@$e @>@I(՜.+,D՜.+,@ hp|    9 Graphix Productions Title  8@ _PID_HLINKSA # mailto:graphixPro@yahoo.comP http://www.graphixpro.tk/  !"#$%&'()+,-./013456789<Root Entry FPI>Data 1TableXWordDocument*SummaryInformation(*DocumentSummaryInformation82CompObjq  FMicrosoft Office Word Document MSWordDocWord.Document.89q
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