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Enumeration and Data analysis
































1.     Discuss the principles embodied in the enumeration analysis of data.

2.     Analyze and interpret data involving Chi-square; and

3.     Apply Chi-square in practical situations




n the analysis of enumeration data, the researcher often needs to decide whether several independent samples should be regarded as having come from the somewhat, and the problem is to be determine whether the observe samples from the same population


                   Enumeration data are expressed in the form of frequencies, which represent the number of items within specified qualities, descriptions, or categories.


                   Enumeration data may be classified according to the number of variables described as either one-way or two-way classification. Each variable is further subdivided into more specific categories.


                   A one-way classification has only one variable described by at least two categories. Let us take, for instance, the variable on civil status. Civil status may be subdivided into more specific categories – single, married, widowed, married but legally separated.


                   Two-way classification enumeration data have two variables described by their respective categories. The frequencies given are applicable to both variables. Data with two-way classification are best summarized and presented in a contigencu table which is made up of several rows and columns, the rows representing the categories of the one variable, and the columns representing the categories of the other variable.