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Yahoo Messenger 6 - Size Patch.....

For everyone who was annoyed as I was by the size of the contact window in Yahoo Messenger 6 and the inability to change it, this patch fixes that. It allows you to shrink the size of the contact window to any size you want. It will even be saved at the smaller size for the next time you open messenger.

New Universal Version!

New to this version
Dynamic patching -
This version has a rebuilt core that will search for the appropriate places to patch in any version Yahoo Messenger 6. So hopefully there won't need to be another release unless Yahoo drastically changes their source code.

Status screen -
Normal operations and errors are displayed within a small window to tell you what is going on. Not as many rude message boxes now.

Default Directory -
Since so many people had a hard time finding the right directory, I made C:\Program Files\Yahoo!\Messenger\ the default directory. You can now run this patch from anywhere. If you did however install Yahoo to a different directory you will have to go find it like before.

Check the read me for more information and instructions!!!

Previous Versions

Yahoo Messenger 6 - Size Patch.....for version 6,0,0,1643 & 6,0,0,1671

Yahoo Messenger 6 - Size Patch.....for version 6,0,0,1643

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