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This web page is now pretty much for yaba rock and its immediate...uhh...disciples. haha. rob, me, sean, my mom, zack, eric, john, laura, and whomever else we may absorb.

lay down every night. listen to our water in our headphones. we're dying

zum yabaRock...

Well, guys, we're still a fairly new band. We've only had like three shows now, but alles gut. Stuff is looking up. I personally think we have an extremely high amount of potential, and i also think that we're already rocking our own teeth out and stepping on them. !!!!!A few things about songs!!!!...Fire stayed the same tempo at the last practice...pretty much, anyway. And giggle water is much slower, and has much more of a swingy, grungy feel. I like. Ah, and also, we all need to individually decide if we want to keep bank shot (that A9, E, Cmaj7, D riff), and what we should do with it chorus/bridge-wise.

Um, if there's anything else you guys think we need to put up here, just let me know. Peace love and yaba your balls off.


