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About the layout

This layout was done in PSP 8, with the use of just the dodge effect. Fairly simple, it features a bit of abstract artwork and a photo from The main image itself was darkened noticeably, blending the two pictures together.


Pay attention! This menu is not easy to edit. I know, I've spent lots of time trying to figure it out. To edit the menu, open up the exmplmenu_var.js in Notepad or your favorite code-editing program.Scroll down to the part that says: // Menu tree. Edit the link names and targets to your liking. Let's take a sample from the menu and break it down, shall we?

Menu2_1_1=new Array("Link","index.html","",0,20,137);
Menu2 means this is the second 'top' menu.
Menu2_1 is the first sublevel of the 'top' menu.
Menu2_1_1 is the sublevel of a sublevel. Confusing, no?
Link is the name that appears on the actual menu. You can change it to whatever you want, like "Me," "You," "Domain," you get the idea
index.html is the url of the link. It can be a full URL or a local one.
0 is the number of sublevels coming from Link. You can change it to 1, 2, etc. if you want "Me" (for example)to have subcategories (like "Joined," "Adopted," etc.137 is the length of the one cell in the menu.

Normally, links DON'T open in a new window. You can't insert a HTML code into the javascript file, because it will not work. To open links in a new window, you need to change the
 ("Link Name","index.html","",0);
 ("Link Name", onclick="'')","",0);
The DHTML menu script was taken from Dynamic Drive, so feel free to look up the exact instructions there.


Ahem! Remove the credits and you DIE, Or screw up the navigation, at least. This layout took a lot of work and time (the navigation-editing was a pain in the rear) so it's only right that it stays credited to me.


*points up* Lookie, an avatar. How thoughtful of me.


Site Copyright: Renata
Layout Design: Hope of Camena
All rights reserved.