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My Webpage (duh)

So... um... yea, this is my homepage, which is probably going to be used mostly as a journal. Why anyone would ever want to read about my completely uninteresting life is beyond me. But I assume if your reading this you must be... a.) bored to the point of suicide [in which case I assure you this will not help] b.) your computer completely crashed and will only allow you to view the most unexciting material on the web or c.) you were dropped on your head repeatedly as a child, causing you to find me interesting.

Anyways, I have to write all of the HTML code for this page at home, save it to a disk, take it to school, and upload it to the site because I'm not allowed online at home. So updates may be few and far between, but when I do it will be alot of shit.

Oh yea one more thing... my spelling sucks. Live with it.

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Gee wasn't that fun? ::crickets:: Eh whatdya want for free, your money back? Click on the middle pic (which if you hadn't guessed is me) to check out my blog. .....Later................................. ~_~