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Edmonton Online dot NET

. i will always love you-- .::.PLASTIC.WINGS.::. --but I can't live like this .
Kristi:You are my bestest friend man i lub ya!!Ive known you for so long its crazay weeeee lolz well i lub ya ur one of tha bestest friends i have!!Well thats all for now!!*MUAH* lubz ya!!
Evan:You are like so nice dude!!You are never mean to me like bad. I really like ya and like i might move by you so yep.well i dont have much to say now so im hyper!!! *MUAH* lubz ya!!
Coming soon...Cassey, Cassi, Cassie, Dani, and the katiez

Thats me. . .

Feb 21 2004
today is so boring i could die i hate it so much i want to rip off somebodys head and feed it to a fcuking dog or canibal jesus christ!!!I just started this new layout today and i think its good. . .highlight of the day huh.Well i gotta babysit l8r so yeah ummm well. . . .i might move in the summer. . . and when im 15 im moving out with my friend. . .im not enthusiastic about anything right now am i?nope.

Birth: 8th of February
School: Hillcrest
Weight: One hundred pounds
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Being dyed
Her sign: Aquarius

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