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Sponsorship is not affiliated in any way with, nor have we been endorsed by, Coca-Cola Company`s, hereafter referred to as "Coke Music". Coke Music has not endorsed our service, and does not claim any such endorsement will be forthcoming. Any Coke Music product names and trademarks are recognized, and no infringement is intended.

The corporate web site for Coke Music is

Please also remember that the moderators and helpful folks that you have and will meet here are volunteers. So please be respectful and mindful when awaiting responses. If you don`t get an answer, it may be that the right person hasn`t read your question yet, you placed it in the wrong topic area, or - strange as though it may seem - maybe nobody knows the answer.


We will make every effort to maintain server uptime. However, this service is not guaranteed to be available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. We monitor the service daily to help ensure uptime. Our hosting service backs up our databases on a daily basis. By using this service, you understand that we make no guarantee to availability of the service or any particular database.


Content is providing a venue for discussion. As such, all views expressed on this web site are solely the opinions of the individual author, and do not represent the opinions of or its administrators. Forum Moderators are not employees of, but volunteers, and should in no way be demanded of service in a threatening manner. is not responsible for the opinions expressed on any forum. As such, no representation is made as to the accuracy or any other aspect of the information contained on this web site. is not responsible for any errors, omissions, or inaccuracies. All information is provided "AS IS", without warranty of any kind. makes no representations and disclaims all express, implied, and statutory warranties of any kind to the user and/or any third party including, without limitation, warranties as to accuracy, timeliness, completeness, merchantability, or fitness for any particular purpose.

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We respect your privacy. will not under any circumstances release, sell, or otherwise distribute any information that you may provide in order to sign up for our service, unless compelled to do so by appropriate legal authorities. You agree to provide a valid and correct Coke Music V-Ego handle. You may use an alias when participating in a forum, and may elect to conceal your email address from other forum members.

Use of this site constitutes your acceptance of all of the terms and conditions outlined above, whether they are specific to a particular discussion area or for the service in general. For clarification or further questions, please contact our forum administrator.


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