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LINK Other sizably stuff
TS_SERVER_FIX How to restore your connection to WOL
TS_DEFENDA FORUM You can post your questions here (new forum)
TS_DEFENDA HELP Missing files and other circumstances
REMOTE TS TOOLS Remote control TS Shield, Apax Hoster and Bounce
TIBERIAN SUN UNDER ATTACK Screenshots of attacks on TS
TS TOOLS Other tools for TS
,------------, | TS_DEFENDA | ´------------´

Download TS_DEFENDA_v1.9.2 here
New In Version 1.9.1 The Update List >>HERE<<
The SourceCode Or if you whant to make sure there is no add-ware or spy-ware in-side TS_Defenda And you know how to compile a source code therefore: New source: Soon or send me a message then i mail the new source to you Old source: Download the TS_DEFENDA_v1.8.6 source here Download the TS_DEFENDA_v1.8.1 source here
TS_D ports list: XWIS server "4000" WOL server "4012" "4013" "4014" "4005" FS server "4012" "4013" "4014" "4005"
For your TS games on WOL, FS and XWIS Solution for k-bots: TS_Defenda stops the error caused by the script Kbots and other mass-join-bot-scipts If a script kiddie uses the script Kbots and he joins with 100 bots or more Then all who are in the gameroom or lobby get an error TS_Defenda detect this error and u will get no error :) Here an ss from the script Kbots loaded on mIRC Stop spam: TS_Defenda auto detect who is spamming in main lobby The spammers nick is auto added to the BLACK_LIST Chat enable: Private chat is enabled on WOL server in main lobby for all who use TS_Defenda ! How 2 chat: Select 1 or more TS_Defenda user(s) nick in main lobby and chat Use TS_Defenda to stop lamers from erroring your game (ss) Such as: Stops lamer from startup your game Stops lamer from sending gameopt errors 2 you Stops lamer from change your color & side and change the game settings (ss) If u join invite-only chan (then normaly your wol-client acts wierd, use TS_Defenda and this bug is fixed) (ss) Also: All the nicks who are in the BLACK_LIST.TXT cannot talk to you and he cannot join your games :) (ss) Also put the cheaters nicks that u know in the BLACK_LIST.TXT You can view the BLACK_LIST here and here You can update the BLACK_LIST by using the button "Get black list from TS_D's homepage" on the app And: Get some1 ip (ss) Detect if a user is using a relay client, WOL client, TS_Defenda or TSshield Auto ban relays from your game (ss) Shows also some irc data from wol servers (ss) TS_Defenda supports also the use of a proxy to connect to WOL And more Setup 5, 6, 7, or 8 players game How: Open a game then select ur nick and type 1 of these commands "/5 pl", "/6 pl", "/7 pl" or "/8 pl" Get special color, such as grey ,black or light green, ... How: Open a game then select ur nick and type 1 of these commands "/color 8", "/color 9", "/color 10" or "/color 11" 99 DIFFERENT COLORS!! To view the commands list first select your nick and type /help me
Request 2 add some1 to the BLACK LIST >>HERE<< Request 2 delete some1 from the BLACK LIST >>HERE<<

TS_Defenda makes a log file (TS_ports_log.txt) in the offenders folder of all attempts to remote-control your TS_D It logs the attacker ip, date and time of the event

Commands list ,--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------, | COMMAND EXPLAIN USE IN | | /help me :get all the commands :all rooms | | /dc me :DC yourself from WOL :all rooms | | /ip nick :get the ip from a WOL user :all rooms | | /reslv :resolve an ip :all rooms | | /ban-ip :ban some1 ip from your gameroom :your room only | | /black_list nick :add a nickname to the Black_List :all rooms | | /server wol :go from XWIS to WOL :all rooms | | /server xwis :go from WOL to XWIS :all rooms | | /3 pl :setup a 3 player game :your room only | | /4 pl :setup a 4 player game :your room only | | /5 pl :setup a 5 player game :your room only | | /6 pl :setup a 6 player game :your room only | | /7 pl :setup a 7 player game :your room only | | /8 pl :setup a 8 player game :your room only | | /ban_bot on :auto ban mirc, relay users from your room on :your room only | | /ban_bot off :auto ban mirc, relay users from your room off :your room only | | /ip_bot on :auto get ip from all who join your game on :game rooms only | | /ip_bot off :auto get ip from all who join your game off :game rooms only | | /anti_spam on :anti spam on :all rooms | | /anti_spam off :anti spam off :all rooms | | /defens on :check client, ban relay and ip bot all checked on :all rooms | | /defens off :check client, ban relay and ip bot all checked off :all rooms | | /color 8 :get special color "/color 0 to 99" :game rooms only | | /color 9 :get special color "/color 0 to 99" :game rooms only | | /color 10 :get special color "/color 0 to 99" :game rooms only | | /color 11 :get special color "/color 0 to 99" :game rooms only | | /color 12 :get special color "/color 0 to 99" :game rooms only | | /color 13 :get special color "/color 0 to 99" :game rooms only | | /color 14 :get special color "/color 0 to 99" :game rooms only | | /color 15 :get special color "/color 0 to 99" :game rooms only | | /color 16 :get special color "/color 0 to 99" :game rooms only | | /color 17 :get special color "/color 0 to 99" :game rooms only | | /color 18 :get special color "/color 0 to 99" :game rooms only | | /color 20 :get special color "/color 0 to 99" :game rooms only | | /color 21 :get special color "/color 0 to 99" :game rooms only | | /color 23 :get special color "/color 0 to 99" :game rooms only | | /color 29 :get special color "/color 0 to 99" :game rooms only | | /color 34 :get special color "/color 0 to 99" :game rooms only | | /color 39 :get special color "/color 0 to 99" :game rooms only | | /color 40 :get special color "/color 0 to 99" :game rooms only | | /color 49 :get special color "/color 0 to 99" :game rooms only | | /color 54 :get special color "/color 0 to 99" :game rooms only | | /color 59 :get special color "/color 0 to 99" :game rooms only | | /color 60 :get special color "/color 0 to 99" :game rooms only | | /color 69 :get special color "/color 0 to 99" :game rooms only | | /color 70 :get special color "/color 0 to 99" :game rooms only | | /color 76 :get special color "/color 0 to 99" :game rooms only | | /color 78 :get special color "/color 0 to 99" :game rooms only | | /color 80 :get special color "/color 0 to 99" :game rooms only | | /color 89 :get special color "/color 0 to 99" :game rooms only | | /color 90 :get special color "/color 0 to 99" :game rooms only | | /color 99 :get special color "/color 0 to 99" :game rooms only | ´--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------´ thank you
Some old screenshots
Download TS_DEFENDA_v1.9.2 here
Also check out MS_IE_Prox v0.7 An other app i coded hosted by MS_IE_PROXY'S homepage