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Trevor Blew Up The World©

Hello and welcome to my Website, I'm Trevor and i Blew up the world.....I'm Sorry. This Site is About Me And How my Mind Works..... I want everyone to know that All Characters Within the site no matter the similarity to real people are fictious and not real in any respect unless they are..which they are not except sometimes. welcome to my brain... Be Afraid Be Very Afraid.....

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How I Spent My Summer -by Trevor

Once I was at a rock concert and this dude was all like what’s going down and I was all like nothing much dude. Then I said hey where is the nearest bathroom and the dude was like it’s next to the concession so I headed that way and the dude sort of followed me and I was like hmm and then he was all don’t you love corn? And I was all for sure but that’s just what they want you to think was his retort. So I get to the bathroom and I’m peeing right and I got a good and steady flow going when all of a sudden I’m all I never thought my life could be anything catastrophe but suddenly I can see a bit of good luck for me cause I got a golden ticket I got a golden twinkle in my eye. The dude who was at the next urinal then said to me Willy Wonka? I was all bingo! So were in the hot tub and I says to the dude man hot enough for you and he says no. then the dude was all My uncle is a plumber to which I replied oh yea? And that’s when it started raining frogs which was fucked up cause the weather channel said it would be sunny all weekend. I guess you can’t trust anyone but yourself and the random dude who you suddenly spend all your time with. So I’m sitting there with the dude and I says hey dude, what your name any ways and he’s all pfft just like that pfft what a guy eh? He’s definably my favourite random dude way cooler than when I hung out with that random guy…dudes are cooler by nature you know. So then this one time the dude and I are hang gliding and I was screaming stuff like woooo I love lollipops and paraphernalia. When the dude just chimes in with yippee….where does that sunuvabitch get off. I can’t stand him any more I now hang out with Dustin diamond and Willie aames mostly……the funny thing is now that I look back on it i realize that dude stole like fifty bucks from me….dude I miss you…and I want my fuckin money back I’ll break your fuckin legs as swipe!

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Trevor Blew Up The World