Achievements:Xtreme Champion [1x], Superstar Of The Week, Roleplayer Of The Week, Currently Undefeated
Roleplay Number Involves Win-Lose-Draw
#2 Triple H, Warrior 06-00-00
The Latest: Tazz will be taking on both the Ultimate Warrior and "The Game" Triple H, in a three way, can Tazz win the undisputed title and become a double title holder?

{ : Scene 1 : }

Tazz is watching the promo that HHH cut and he laughs to himself. He takes a sip of his bottled water when a knock at the door. He said come in. Jonathan coachman came in.

The Coach- Hello Taz

Tazz: Hello Coach

The Coach-How are you doing on this magnificent day?

Tazz: well I feel like tearing apart some people. So i am feeling fine?

The Coach-Oh I get what you are saying Tazz. Is this all about Triple H and the Ultimate warrior?

Tazz: Yeah this is about The game and the washed up fogey Ultimate warrior.

The Coach-Yeah, I have seen Triple H talk about your match a couple of days ago? it seems all he is interested in is that slutty stephanie mc mahon.I don't think he wants to win the undisputed title.

Tazz:Yeah i seen hhh cut his little promo. That makes me want to destroy him even more. A man that focuses on flirting with women over trying to win a match has no bizness wrestling. I bet that HHH and Ultimate warrior are in cahoots with each other. After this match is over with i will walk out the Undisputed champion as well the Xtreme champion. I want them to know what we the ecw wrestlers went through night in and night out.

The Coach-Well, I was in ECW before I came to WWE, and I went through some hell too, so I know what its like to go through pain and sufferring. I was the man they called Angel and I know you remember me, cause we fought and you whooped the hell out of my ass.

Tazz: Hehe, that was fun. Well you would also know that HHH and Ultimate warrior has no idea of how much pain they are going to get. They do not know the level of extreme behavior that is in this type of match.
The Coach-That is true, HHH and ultimate warrior has no idea how this match will turn out cause they have been in a non-extreme environment wrestling federation, wwf. But these guys are pretty big and HHH has beaten some of the best.

Tazz: But, big guys have a ton of weaknesses. if you zero in on their legs ,they are bound to weaken up and if you can't stand then you are a sitting duck.

The Coach-That's nice, what do you think the out come of this match will be? You pinning HHH? You pinning Ultimate warrior? Warrior pinning you? HHH pinning you? Warrior pinning HHH? HHH pinning Warrior ? Or do you think they will double team you and both will pin you?

Tazz: Are you serious about HHH winning this match? Yean he may have the strength and powerbut so do i. HHH does not have the ability to stay with the Human Suplex machine. The Human Suplex machine is myself. Let me promise you this there will be a great chance that none of us will be able to walk out on our own . We will probably have to be stretchered out.

The Coach-Hmmm, I dont know about that, I seen you walk out plenty of times out of really stupidity hardcore matches and yes, I do think HHH has what it takes to beat both you and Warrior, no doubt.

Tazz: Coach i do think that you must be on drugs or something if you think Tazz can withstand this match that has barbwire, ladders, chairs, tables, and whatever we find outside the ring and into the crowd. Take out his legs and he is lame as a duck. he will be grounded. There will probably a lot of blood and we might collapse but that is what happens when you are in real extreme matches. Not like the extreme matches in the wwe. That is for kiddies.

The Coach- How did you know I was on drugs? (Looks over to camera man) How did he know I was on drugs? (Camera man shrugs shoulders) But anyways Taz, I believe that this match will be one hell of a bloody massacre! Well, I have to go Taz, and I hope you have a great match. Im The Coach and he is Taz, we have to go to a commercial break! More to come when we get back

[15 minutes later he arrives in the ring]

Tazz: You just seen That stupid prick of a interviewer just interview about my Hellacious match that i am preparing for against the big HHH and Ultimate warrior. Even Big stupid Muthafuckas have their weaknesses. i am going to exploit thoose muthafuckas weaknesses and i will make HHH feel the true meaning of pain as it surges though his body. Just Maybe he might get meet some chairs and Flaming Tables. You just don't know whatthe match we are having or what type it is. So let me explain it for you illiterate a stairway to hell match is like any ordinary hardcore match.It has a strand of barbwire hanging in the air and whoever climbs up the ladder could use it .The weapons are anything goes.

We fight in the audience, we set up ladders on the guardrail and the ring and we place people on it and then jump from the turnbuckle.We knock people down as we leap out of the ring onto the unsuspecting opponent. We used the barbwire on bats ,lumber,and wrap it around ourselves and risk the damage that could happen to our bodies.

We set chairs in between the ropes and irish whip the wrestlers onto them. We put people in the tree of woe and placed a chair on the front of their face and then the other person would run from the other turnbuckle and kick the chair onto the face of the opponent.

So pretty much anything goes and its an all out war.We might be walking out on our own but on the other hand Ultimate warrior,HHH, and myself might be stretchered out after the match.I guarantee you this. This Thug will show them what my motto means. If they survive it will be because i let them.I control their fate now. They have stepped into my territory.