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Movie Night!

Every Sunday night my husband and I get together with some friends and watch movies. We watch movies that are from different genres, different parts of the world, different ???, well, just different movies! I'll let you know what we watched and my opinion of it. Please feel free to let me know if you have seen any of the movies we watch, and if you have an opinion about the movie.

Take off your shoes, grab some popcorn, turn down the lights, and...


Fri 06/10/2005
Reefer Madness: The Movie Musical
Mood:  blue
First, this is the best musical ever! Very funny, full of star power, and very catchy tunes that will keep you humming for days. Love it, love it, love it!


This was the worst movie night ever! George started without us again, which wouldn't have been so bad if his mother hadn't shown up. We did not get to finish watching the movie and George is getting kicked out of his place. We will be forced to watch movies somewhere else....

Posted by creep/sundownmi at 10:04 AM EDT
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Wed 06/01/2005
Team America and Doug Stanhope
We had a lot of fun last movie night. We were supposed to finish off Kung Fu month, but George started without us again and wasn't in the mood for anything too serious. So we started the night with Team America. From the creators of South Park, this is one of the funniest movies I have seen in a very long time.
Our second feature was standup comedy by Doug Stanhope. I had seen it before, but it was still pretty funny. You really have to be open minded and have a really really good sense of humor to not be offended by him. Thank God I'm not easily offended!
I'm glad George didn't burn his house down, and I'm looking forward to watching musicals all next month. Let's see if anyone else is easily offended...

Posted by creep/sundownmi at 1:51 PM EDT
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Mon 05/23/2005
The Four Invincibles, Boccaccio '70, and Desperate Teenage Lovedolls
Mood:  mischievious
We had fun a movie night this week, even if we did get stuck in the cheap seats. We started out the night with The Four Invincibles. I love this movie! Lots of silly kung fu and a visual comedy. The story isn't too bad as long as you don't try to read too much into it.

For our second feature, we watched the last segment of Boccaccio '70. This one was called "The Lottery" and starred Sophia Loren. That made all the guys in the room very happy. I liked it except for the end. She should have kicked that stupid bullfighter right in the nuts! What an a$$hole! I'm still having trouble believing that she ended up with him. Oh well... She must have had some issues anyway to let herself be the prize for the lottery in the first place, so to let some guy smack her around probably didn't bother her very much.

It was still early after our second feature, so George put in Desperate Teenage Lovedolls, a very silly 80's rock n roll film. It was pretty low budget and the acting was, well, ... it was just bad. But the movie had some redeeming qualities. The music was good and there were some lines that had us all cracking up. It sure brought back some memories of 80's life for some of us.

Next week is our last movie night for the month of May. I think we are going to shoot for something with a little bit of a budget next time. Show something classy to close out Kung Fu Month. Should be a good time.

Posted by creep/sundownmi at 12:13 PM EDT
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Thu 05/19/2005
The Invincible Super Chan and Boccaccio '70
We finally got to see The Invincible Super Chan this week. This movie really cracks me up. We were asked more than once what was going on during the movie, and the answer is always the same. "Chan is kicking everybody's ass." That's basically the plot for the entire movie. Not alot of story, but all the action you could ever want.

For our second feature we watched another section of Boccaccio '70. The segment was called "Il lavoro", which translates as "the job". It was a little slow at first, kind of boring... But towards the end it picked up and became very fun. Sometimes it does feel like a job, but at least she got paid...

Looking forward to next week at movie night. I think we might be screening one of the newer Jet Li movies. Should be alot of fun if George doesn't start without us again.

Posted by creep/sundownmi at 11:04 AM EDT
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Mon 05/09/2005
Return of the Chinese Boxer and Boccaccio '70
Mood:  happy
We were supposed to watch The Invincible Super Chan last night, but my husband is an idiot and left the movie at home. He still brought the box for it though, just to tease us with I think. Thankfully George had a movie we could watch that still fit in with this months theme. We ended up watching Return of the Chinese Boxer. Directed and starring Jimmy Wang Yu. This is one of the funnest movies we've had so far this year! We had a pretty good crowd for the viewing, so there were plenty of good comments going around the room. Very MST3K-ish. Thanks George for the last minute save!

For our second feature, we starting watching Boccachio '70. This is a really awesome Italian movie that is split up into four segments, each with a different director and a different famous leading lady. We watched the first two segments, "Renzo e Luciana" and "Le tentazioni del dottor Antonio". They were both really interesting, funny, and some really great camera shots! We plan to view another segment of Boccachio '70 next week.

It was nice having some new faces at movie night this week. Hopefully we'll be able to get the good seats next time too! Later!

Posted by creep/sundownmi at 3:39 PM EDT
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Tue 05/03/2005
Chinese Vampire Story and Stripes
Mood:  surprised
We decided to have Kung Fu movies as this months theme. We started out the evening with Chinese Vampire Story. This movie is soooo funny. It's the best anti-abortion movie I have ever seen! It's the 5th in a series of Mr. Vampire movies that came out in the 80's and 90's. Definately worth a viewing if you get the chance.

Our second feature was Stripes with Bill Murray, Harold Ramis, and John Candy. Classic military comedy from the 80's. I like pretty much any movie with Bill Murray in it anyway, so I was very happy when they chose to watch this one. It's always better when our second feature is a comedy.

Posted by creep/sundownmi at 12:43 PM EDT
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Mon 04/25/2005
Animal House and Teenagers From Outer Space
Mood:  a-ok
Last night was okay. We started out with Animal House. What a classic... Everyone loves this movie. My favorite line is when Bluto gets expelled and they are all sitting in the frat house feeling sorry for themselves. "Seven years of college down the drain." Too funny...

Our second feature was supposed to be Teenagers From Outer Space, but we only watched about half of it. Most of us had already seen it, so we weren't missing anything. It was getting late and the movie decided it was going to show us a few scenes more than once. It was really very strange. We still had a good time though!

Next week is the beginning of a new month, so we need to come up with a new theme. Any suggestions?

Posted by creep/sundownmi at 1:02 PM EDT
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Mon 04/18/2005
Switchblade Sisters and Spider Baby
Mood:  not sure
It was a small audience last night for the movies! We missed you guys!

Wow! A Jack Hill double feature! For those of you who missed movie night last night, you missed a really fun time. We started with Switchblade Sisters. This movie is so much fun. It's like Jack started with a nice little movie about a gang and then kept adding to it. First he added another gang, then another, plus all of the back-stabbing and double-crossing, not to mention knife fights and shoot outs... A very busy movie.

Our second feature was Spider Baby. How could you possibly go wrong with a movie starring Lon Chaney, Jr. and Sid Haig? A film about a family with a rare disease that causes them to regress and degenerate until they are more animal than human. And it's a comedy! Everyone should see this movie. It's too much fun to miss!

Looking forward to next week. We might try using the new LCD projector for movies. Should be a good time.

Posted by creep/sundownmi at 10:05 AM EDT
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Mon 04/11/2005
Black Sabbath and Reform School Girls
Mood:  energetic
Last night we had a lot of fun. We started the night with Black Sabbath. A 1963 Mario Bava film starring Boris Karloff, it has three different short stories of horror and suspense. I think we had all seen the last one (A Drop of Water), but the other two I hadn't seen before. I really enjoyed it.

For our second feature we put in Reform School Girls starring Wendy O. Williams. This movie was definately made for horny teenage boys. Even when the girls are dressed they aren't wearing much. Lots of running about in their underwear and shower scenes. This movie has some classic lines in it though that I'm sure we'll be quoting for a while.

Over all we had a good time and I'm looking forward to a new and improved movie night in the future.

Posted by creep/sundownmi at 7:18 PM EDT
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Mon 04/04/2005
Heathers and lots of stand-up comedy
Mood:  cool
We decided to try a theme again for movie nights. I guess we're going for teenage rebellion movies for April. We started the night out with Heathers. I hadn't seen it before, so I had a really good time. I think I may have went to that high school when I was a teeny bopper. I wasn't a Heather though. I wasn't even a Veronica. I knew those girls and despised them. I think every school in America has students like that.

After Heathers, we watched some stand-up comedy that George had taped. Old stuff from the 80's and 90's that had Sam Kinnison, Robert Townsend, Jerry Seinfeld, John Stewart, and George Carlin. Great stuff. It's funny how most of the bits still work even though it's been twenty years. I guess things really don't change much, do they?

KOMA is coming back!!!!

Posted by creep/sundownmi at 7:13 PM EDT
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