Ninja Revival!!


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Sha is an orphaned ninja from the planet Dante.

Sha's Moves

*ALLof Sha's moves can be performed without his sword Soma. The likelyhood of fatality is dropped without it though.. *Soma is indestructable.

He remembers the crackle of broken glass under hurried footsteps. The quiet hush of windwhipped clothing.The shattered pottery and muffled screaming. the sharp pang of splintering wood against his arms, the heat, engulfing the silhouettes of dying men and women, soft like water colors. The way his mother breathed as they twisted their way through the city to the forest refuge. There was a stench in the air. A sour smell, Pungeant at the same time, like month old milk. It was death. He had always been an exceptional child. Intelligent and observant to a fault. It was almost like he was psychic. Reading peoples movements before they even had a chance to think. His senses were deadly accurate. 7yrs old and so much potential. They had reached the outskirts of town now. He noticed his mother frantically searching their surroundings. Noone else was there. They were the only survivors. Of course he already knew that but was too afraid to tell her. His mother then directed him to a patch of bushes on a small hill not too far away from the city. With tears racing down her cheeks she told him to wait there until she returned, that she was just going to look for his brothers and sisters. She would never return though. He couldn't stop her, she just turned and dashed down the hill towards the city. He tried to yell and call her back but to no avail. No sound came out. He couldn't do it. Everyone was dead but he couldn't bear to tell her this. He didn't think she could take it, and because he didn't tell her she was going to die. Paralyzed with fear he just listened for her. He heard all of it, she made it back to their hut alright. He heard her step on that first creeky board, apprehensively, then call out their names. There were a few more steps then a pause. Unbearably long. The sound of old knees hitting Cedar floorboards was heard next. A quiet sobbing met his ears. He smelt cinders and.... He knew what it was.she was sobbing about now. His brothers and sisters.... He could feel her pain. This was the price he paid for his gift. He experienced everything. He heard their footsteps like an echo, felt them like a tremor,the soldiers that would soon deprive him of his mother. The only one left to love him. He was then distracted by the sound of villagers on the other side of town fleeing into the woods. This was shortly followed by the sharp twang of a bow and a deft thud, the sound of someone dropping a sack of rice. His father did that occasionally. He then remembered his father, bold and proud. He knew he was dead though.He heard it on the way out. He died miserably. Begging for his life, with no throat to speak. He felt the vibration of laughter in the air and it was coming from his shack. The men were leaving, one with his pants around his ankles. One was quiet and the others were hysterical. He smelled the blood. There was tons of it. He suddenly realized what had happened to his village. He knew he could never go back. Knew his childhood was over. He couldn't bring himself to leave though, and for three long months he sat up on that hill, never once laying his eyes upon that accursed city. Hearing the dry corpses rot. Smelling the flowers that were growing in the cracks of the unkept streets. Every day up there was hell. Then one day it rained. It was a welcome smell because it covered up the stench of the corpses. It was on this day that he decided to visit the village, his home, for the last time. He stepped onto the cobbled streets and took it all in. Bodies strewn accross the ground like unused puppets. Flesh formed around the bones. Sparse patches of hair, Leathery skin, and big toothy smiles all around. He almost giggled at their faces. They reminded him of clowns. He was still a child and yet he learned more of the struggle of humanity that one day than most will ever know. At that time in his life he was the closest to death anyone could ever know. Almost at peace with it. Embracing it. He could feel the feignt brush of the souls of the departed villagers flowing through and around him. He eventually made his way back to his hut. Peering in but stopping at the entrance. He could almost taste the blood that painted the walls. He smelled the stale tears of his mother. His Mother! He rushed to the second chamber and stopped dead in his tracks. He saw what made her drop to the floor. His brothers and sisters were now a collective pile of soot. She must have crushed them when she dropped to the floor and tried to hug them. His mother lay atop of them with a knife in her back. She had been weeping over them when the soldiers had found her. She seemed to stare right through him. It was raining that day. He just curled up underneath her arm and fell asleep. He left the next day. On the way out he noticed that his left eye was bleeding. He went down by a nearby river and looked. It had a large gash in it and suddenly he realized that could no longer see out of it. Not only that but it had turned blood red. How had all of this happened? Why hadn't he noticed it before? He didn't understand and everyone that could have told him was now dead. He took a bandage from his fathers dresser and covered his left eye. He made for the road to the west. This time with no intention to come back for any reason. His life was over here and he had to move on. Such is the nature of all things... His grey hair was stained red. It would take years to wash out...

16 years later.... Sha is now a happy go lucky wanderer. Having taught himself a type of martial arts he has classified as hybrid ninjitsu he survived on his own for many years. Something always burned inside him though. That memory. He couldn't shake it, it was always on his mind. The one day he met a man by the name of Terreus. He was a man who travelled quite frequently so he decided to travel with him. Maybe he'd find answers. Soon they became friends and their journey began. After landing on the planet Makean they settle into a small village where they are attacked by a hoard of androids. After narrowly escaping they head for a transport ship headed to the planet Sutare, where they are promptly shot down. Recovering from the crash they head into the desert and are attacked by a giant worm. Terreus is swallowed and narrowly escapes its gaping maw. Where the go next is a mystery.

So to sum it all up: