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My Diary of Destruction

a few warnings before you scroll down and view my diary

MONDAY 23RD JUNE:One word... SHIT. It was one of those days where everyone pisses me off, to make matters worse i have a science exam tomorrow which really isnt helping as i have so much work to produce by tomorrow and another exam to do!!! i feel so alone.. no1 is online.. my parents suck.. i really cant see the poin of going on.. I just felt an instantaneous and unstoppable urge to inform you that life doesn't just suck like a supersonic jet engine on high-octane fuel; no, life is the singularity and event horizon of Suck: The Supermassive Black Hole of Suck. Yes, lifes Suck is so powerful that nothing - nothing - escapes its pull. Oh, did I mention that life suks? Have a nice day, cheers... p.s please wear purple at my funeral... its the new black you know. TUESDAY 24TH JUNE:I guess life has slightly imporved today.. after a long period of pointless scouling and ignoring Emma and i are now talking.. kida made me realise what i was missing friendship wise on that end of the spectrum. however i will never feel the need to be friends with Alice again.. its not that i dont like her.. as she can be pretty kewl sometimes. its just the fact that she hurt me so badly before with all the nathan buisness i dont feel i can trust her....
