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If you are here you are most likely a member of the Conquest clan The Roman Empire (SPQR) or a player of Conquest.

If you are not a player of Conquest and happened upon this site don't leave! Conquest is a Multi-Player Online Game (MPOG) where "you are in charge of setting tax and draft rates, technology directives, military actions, covert operations and much, much more. You are also forced to deal with war, trade and diplomacy...among other things! Best of all, you are competing and interacting with other players also trying to become the most powerful country on the planet."

This site is set up to serve not only the clan members of The Roman Empire but also the players of Conquest in general. On this site you will find information about our members as well as news, a message board (The Scroll), a chat room (The Bathhouse- It's G-Rated folks!), and links to other Conquest clans and related items.

If you have any comments or suggestions about the site message CHAZ through the Conquest message system. If you are not a player of Conquest, what are you waiting for? Click here to sign-up!


Clan By-Laws

1)  All members must read the clan forum and stay up to date on the State of the Empire.  

2)  All members must adhere to our ALLY CLAN PACTS. If we have a NAP with someone, do not attack him or her.

3)  There is an "un-written" code of respectful behavior and game play and our clan will adhere to it. 

a)  It is totally proper to attack in Conquest for land but it is not cool to "triple or more tap" the same player. Three, four or more land grabs in a row is overkill. 1 or 2 is fine.

b)  Barrages or missile attacks are only to be used for retaliation purposes. 

4)  Forum bashing must be kept to a minimum. SPQR clan members take pride in the integrity of our clan. Playfulness is fine but insulting others is unnecessary.



WWW The Roman Empire

© 2003 SPQR Clan
