Spatula and Toaster playing chess,
Arguing bitterly among the rest
"Shut your trap!" says Spatula to Fork
Says Spoon to all,"let's go see Spork!"
Says ladel," I'm not here right now my peeps,
Please leave a message after the beep."
Says Toaster," No way you won you dirty whore,
I demand to play you some more!!"
Says Fork," you don't love me,
you guys are mean!!"
Says Spatula," I'll show you all,
Let's play again, i have 'til fall."
Spatula and Toaster playing a game,
Fork in the back yelling their names
Something snaps and Spoon explodes
Kicks Fork right in the nose,
Throws toaster against the wall,
And burries Spatula in the hall!
A Spoon with a glint in her eyes
Of malice, hate, anger and despise
No more Fork, toaster or Spatula
Away walks Spoon, " See ya!"
It's too late for them, learn from their story,
Don't mess with Spoon, you'll be sorry
Says Ladel," I'll get back with you, leave your name.
Until I see you, have a nice day!"

By Our Own Lovely Spatula!