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"I made satcloth also my garment; and I became a proverb unto them" -Psalms 69:11


BEING disposed to dressing in all black, decorating ones person with tatoos and chains, painting the nails ebony and encompassing the eyes with dark eyeliner isn't what you would call the socialogical norm for the stereotypical "Christian". Society has painted a picture of what it thinks is a "good Christian". However, wearing the best suit to church on sundays, and being able to quote every popular Bible verse found on bookmarks and greeting cards is certainly not what constitutes a good Christian. Religion has turned the truths of true Christianity into a works based ideology, one that is by its warped nature, opposed to those who do not fit into is't distorted veiw of what is acceptable.

Christians, by namesake, are people who live by the precepts of the Christian Faith. Leagalists will try to tell us that there is an acceptable way to go to Christ, and that all else is sin. Sin, sin...I got news for you Einstein, you may recall the "sermon on the mount", Matthew chapter 5, where Jesus said basically that we don't even have to commit the sin to be guilty of it, just to think it would condemn us. So, Mr. I-am-rightous-by my-works, how do you control your thoughts? You, vile legalist, are trying to tell us that the Grace of God through Christ is CONDITINAL? Have you not heard, pharisee, that it is not by works, lest any man boast. Open your eyes to the true Christian faith. Then you will see that it is not the fear of judgement that brings us to repentance, but the Love and infinate mercy of GOD that finally puts us on our knees.

I am not going to try to justify being a Christian Goth on this site, in fact I don't classify myself as anything but a Christian. However, my friends and aquaintances often ask me if I am "goth", and don't understand how I can be a professing Christian and still look like a member of a death metal band. The fact of the matter is that I myself, like many Christians, don't exactly fit into the picture people paint of what a "Christian" is supposed to be like. My wardrobe is almost entirely black, I wear chains and have an affinity for skulls. I have a profound understanding of the darker aspects of the human condition, but I am not evil. I wear black on the outside, but am blessed with the light of Christ inside. We do what we do as humans and are forgiven. I am not perfect or even good, but Christ Jesus Loves me and all humans. Why? Good question. Because he is Love.

By:Patrick Stewart