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I've got the comp set up on the kitchen table so that i can cook supper while doing this. I'm making Lasagna...yum...i believe that i make the best lasagna ever!! Omar agrees too. well if he didn't he'd get an ass kicking anyway.

Anyway, Omar and I are getting married on Aug 25 this year. We can't wait. We're so excited. Recently (well actually October) we bought a home. It's a nice little place 'cozy' you might say. Although I know that cozy is just a nice way of saying it's small. I don't care anyway, it's big enough for us and our animals. Speaking of which we have a dog, she's Marley, she's beautiful and a big sook. We have a cat named Putty and a kitten named Tat. Also in our home we have two hamsters Blackie and Sue, and a rabbiy, Smokey. It's a nice big happy family.

I just got a new job today, At Home Hardware in Ingonish. I start on Monday, I can't wait!!! I'm so excited. I'm not sure why, I think that i'm starting to go crazy being in the house for so long. My Hubby, Omar, works at his parents' store, also in Cape North. Cabot Trail Food Market, he's a Meat Cutter.

I just finished school in December. I got my Business Computer Applications Diploma, the course was great fun and I met some great girls. I can't wait till I get a job that really relates to what I took in school.


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Back in High School
Sheena & Omar
Soccer Pics (from back in High School)
About Me
My Parents' Wedding
My Pets
Pictures From College