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You know you like it =P

In case you haven't noticed, I suck at writing poems. But I try anyway.

A fallen angel with broken wings.
A man followed by loneliness.
A poet empty inside.
An addict left in the dark.
No hope, no way out.
Cries left unanswered.
A constant yearning.
A temporary mending substance.
A silent killer.

Heroin Kills.

Dance on his grave and
Strip him of his dignity
Rob him of his legacy
You didn't go through what he did
Half the talent
Twice the hype
He only went through hell
For you all to steal his beauty
He only went through hell
For you all to find amusing
He only gave his life
For you to embrace the frauds
Rectify the imposters
Degrade every accomplishment hes commited
He fucking died for you.
You were living proof.
What more can you do?
Everything can only go so far...
Well the truth is out-
Only we can help ourselves now.
How fucking hopeful.


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If I would, Could you?