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Rockthesilver Design's Creator

Okay I have about 15 templates that i'm working on and nine are up and ready for use. Maybe one or two aren't quite ready but keep checking back they should be within a day or two. The Help page will help you with common problems or questions you may have. It also happens to have a link to HTML, JavaScript, and CSS tutorials or generators [generators make creating script user friendly in a few seconds]. The Instructions guides you through how to put a template into your own diary. The Pictures is for entertainment to just look at for now. Soon i should have a thumbnails [small pictures] page filled with all m y templates for easier template hunting on my site. In a while i should have a search engine up so it'll be easy to find the template you want. I hope this site will become very useful and maybe teach you or inspire you to create your own layouts. It's very easy; just learn how to make tables columns and rows and you are well on your way to making layouts. I'm not a CSS expert but i know the basics and HTML I'm pretty advanced in. My name is Percia [Percy if u prefer] and I hope you will enjoy my graphics and many layouts. It has taken me some time to pull these together so be nice and give some advice! Tag me or leave a note. Any questions about my layouts or HTML or any concerns please email me at Thanks for reading!

Much Love,


|--^::My Links::^--|

Diaryland Templates

|--^::About Me::^--|
Blah about me

Fave link

~*~Newest templates~*~
Click Thumbnails for larger picture

Feb. 4th-Dragon [Current Template being used on Dragon Design.]

Feb. 5-Yin and Yang

Feb. 5- Silence the Pain [skull].
