I learned lots of things in this computer class such as: learning how to make a blob sculpture, making an animation by switching the camera angle, learning how to type, make a movie, do a spreadsheet, make a drawing, and of course how to make an html.
Blob sculpture is a program that makes a picture(a sculpture made of blobs) which you can set the threshold level and the level of detail to either make the blobs more rigid or more round, based on what kind of picture you are making. Which there after you can export them to either pov-ray, poly ray, raw, dfx, or qd3d/3dmf where you can enhance the image to give it all the details. Gif builder is a program in which you put your frames from blob sculpture and make an animation out of it. You can also make transitions and other special effects to the animation. All the right typing is a typing program for newbies that teaches them how to type with the home row keys. i movie is a program program which lets you download it to the computer and with it add special effects such as connecting them, add sound effects: dogs barking, people clapping, applause, etc., and making the clips have a certain image such as sharpening the image, or making it blurry. Appleworks is a program that helps you make a picture, spreadsheet, database, or a painting. BBedit is a program that lets you make an html and modify it (like how it looks).

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