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Are you BORED in College? Do Need Sugar? I've Found Just the Solution For You!

Ahh yes, September 8, 2003 was such a fine day. Why? Because my friends and I strapped on our halloween costumes and went through the dorms trick-or-treating. Fortunately Rhea had a camera and my dear scene partner Erin had a scanner, and her dear sweet roomie, Lindsay had a disk. Here's the results:

First, a little pre-trick-or-treat photo op:

me and lil miss hayley pie wearing my pussy ears

right to left, michele the naughty genie, lauren the french maid, and hayley the "awh, do i have to?"

hayley again, then michele again, and rhea the pirate... arg!

first, we started off going to both male and female dorms...

but that didn't last long. girls kinda gave us the "what the hell? this isn't halloween?" to which we replied "awh dammit, are you serious?" then walked away.

i'm not sure why guys overall were better targets when it came to candy obtaining for us pesky little out-of-season trick-or-treaters, but that's the way the cookie crumbles. many guys were happy we came to visit them.

some guys were not happy that we came to visit them. that makes me a sad panda.

^this kid actually slammed the door at us.

one kid started following us around with a pizza box. his name is dan the man.

one boy was in complete and udder shock. his face is priceless:

one boy was a tad skeptical. look how skeptical he looks.

upon further investigation, we realized some boys were staring at my chest:

he's hot (and blatantly staring at my boobies)! someone let me know if he's single:

Then we took a break in the middle of the hall for another mid-trick-or-treating photo op:

this next picture is worthy of an in-depth explanation. on the door to this room was a sign which read, "maid wanted to clean dorm, make beds, blah blah blah." so i'm like, "no, this door is all mine." i knocked on the door by myself, then when the kid came, i did my best to keep a straight face and was like "hi, i'm here to apply for that maid position." well, he didn't know what to do. "are you serious?!" he replied, still in shock. "no, i'm just kidding.. i'm really just trick-or-treating. so um... trick or treat!" and for some reason, the shocked look on his face didnt' go away:

lastly, i would like to say that out-of-season trick-or-treating not only left us with a big bag full of candy, but we also made friends that nite. this is my new friend kyle. he's cool as hell and i would have never met him if it hadn't been for this crazy nite. ::awwh, warm fuzzies::

awh, that was so heart-warming, i mean stupid.