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After reading my mother's dating advice books (in case you were unaware, she gave them to me because she apparently really wants her grandbabies: in a fit of rage stemming from my frustration with men, I told her never to expect grandkids), I've realized that although it's incredibly fun to bash the hell out of my ex-boyfriends for being as shitty as they were and for all the heartache they put me through, I myself, am first to blame. Those inconsiderate bastards put me through hell and back. But I let them. While my heart was so happy it had someone to love, my gut instinct was that these guys were no good from the start. But I tried so hard, even sacrificed myself, in hopes that if I was good to these guys, I could "win them over" or some other bullshit idea like that. But no, I would just end up extremely screwed over, and dumped in very inconsiderate ways.

And I admit, I have had the worst dating life... ever. But it's constantly getting less worse as I gain more confidence. So instead of dwelling on my previous mistakes, I'm going to get me some more :GiRL PoWeR: (only I'll attempt to be less obnoxious that the Spice Girls about it).

Also, it's best that I stop bashing exes on here now, because I could see where some guy who was interest in delightfully sarcastic, little-old me would be afraid of ending up on the "Asshole Wall of Fame." So relax fellas. Just fill out an application and I'll get back to you.

As far as my friends are concerned, I'm working to get them to see the light, but it was a long, drawn-out process for me... so I'm not pushing anyone faster than their own pace. So as long as they are still hurt and angry, bitter and salty, I'll be down there dissing the hell out of their exes right along with them. See:

(*note: guys don't ever hurt my friends and live happily after it.)

men are no substitute for chocolate.