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It Ain't Easy Being T.A. (wait, yeah it is)

For those of you who don't know: BE INFORMED! I am a teaching assistant for a psychology professor on my campus. This usually gets several responses from people:

Anyhoo, I like it. I grade 38479838 papers every couple of weeks, I get office hours which nobody comes to so I sit and b.s. with my professor and her office mate. Also, when grading papers, it is unbelievable how hilarious the kiddos can be. See what I mean:

The First Set of Papers (complete with some writing advice)

The Second Round

And These Students Will Be Leaders of the Free World Someday: More Papers

The Moron Brigade: The Worst Batch of Papers... Ever.

Being a teaching assistant has taught me some valuable life lessons. I have learned that people are inherently stupid and the only way to deal with this, is through humor. Actually, I already knew that, but being a teaching assistant only reinforced this very very very much.

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