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[my Bible as Literature class is getting the best of me]

I once let my thoughts, ideas, beliefs, and creative expression be housed at I created in my very own image and likeness a subprofile, and I named her ThaTsKiRtyDaNk, for she was to be filled with good news of great joy for all people. One the first day, I created the backgrounds, and the font colors, and counters. And I saw that it was good. On the second day, I added an introduction and several subpages. And I saw that it was so. On the third day, I created the additional links, the guestbook, and the quiz. And I saw that it was good. On the fourth day, I rested. I looked down upon everything which I had done and saw that it was very good. And the masses came to my subprofile, and they read, and they laughed. Then, the plagues began. First, the porno bots began to frequent my subprofile, filling the guestbook with all kinds of vile things. And then the plague of the hackers. They hacked into my account and destroyed all that was good, so that all that was evil could flourish. But I would not stand for it: I rebuilt her, and made better than ever. I worked hard on her and I strived because I believed in my heart that a subprofile stood for freedom of creative expression, but I was wrong. DEAD WRONG! After all that I had accomplished into my subprofile, had taken her away from me. She had be violently slaughtered in an attempt to supress my thoughts, hopes, dreams, and ideals. Many others have been "silenced" in such a manner, but these are not made public. They are slaughtered in the dead of night, and buried in mass graves. Do not let my dear, ThaTsKiRtyDaNk's death be in vain. Let her be a martyr for the revolution.

¡viva la revolution!