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"i like the careful attention to detail you were born to be an author"- K. Horvath

"Lauren...u should write a book......I love to read ur writings!!!! It's so entertaining!" -K. Jones

" Did you write that? Oh, do I even have to ask. Of course you did" -D. McDonald

"your site always kicks ass. just thought i'd let you know." -Rich (My Prom King)

"u make a great website" -Benny

"hahahahahaha that is the funniest thing i've ever seen" -K. Van Luik

"lauren: she says the good shit!" -mike

"OH MY GOD! Everyone is looking at me like I'm a luntic after I read your bullhorn page. I haven't laughed that hard for awhile." -Christopher

"I read it [this website] every morning when I drink my coffee. This, and the New York Times." -M. E. Fraas

The site that never gets old! "Once again, ny times, coffee, and riddled with sarcasm." -M.E. Fraas, again

"i get sooooo excited when u update ur page your hilarious. that is why i love you. when i am having a bad day i just read a selection from ur site." -K. Karpeal

Even Exes I Never Speak To Agree: My Site Is Fan-Fucking-Tastic! "i know u hate me and wasnt gonna im this to u but i think u might find it interesting... since u have a webpage aganist men and all [...] no your sites alright..its pretty funny from time to time keep up the good work" -W.R. Murtha

my reviews page: making those who don't make the cut cry their eyes out: "lauren, i just read ur site...and i must say I am slightly hurt that my raving reviews did not make the cut for ur reviews page....I feel that I have always supported ur site and I even IMed those stupid AIM people for you....:'( I'm going to go cry in my bed now....goodbye" -Ginny Bug

"Nice Lauren, very nice" -E. Burke

My site prevails over porn: "[I read your site] sometimes. It gives my sick mind an outlet. Its either that or watch porn....I think that [your site']s better." -D. McDonald

"......great website, Lauren. Cute dreamy cool boy......i like the sound of that." -Nate (said cute dreamy cool boy whom I met on the single most terribly awkward and awkwardly terrible night of my life.)

Can't win them all I suppose.... "i read it. i was midly confused. plus all those frames are pissing me off." -Al

"gwaley is classier than me in that sense. gwaley, leave the page as is, don't take it down." L. Vamos, as quoted from her analysis of one of my ex's response to my website.

B. Turner, you life is now complete. You made my reviews page: "I need in those raving reviews, it's my life goal. I love that website. I've decided to stay single jst so I can spend my days on it."

And you did again! Congrats! "Your website has taught me so much!"- B. Turner

And Ginny did again! "Oh my, I thought I was going to die of laughter. Excellent job hun....I support your efforts 110%!"

Names ommitted to protect the fine female that wants me: "i wanna fill out an application to date u just dont tell [my boyfriend] im sure he wont mind tho" - M. L******

so what, you only quote the crazy people