Surprise! Crucifixion Isn't a Picnic
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I went into the movie theater with very mixed views concerning the new Mel Gibson blockbuster, The Passion of Jesus Christ and left the theater with even more.

Assuming that Mel made the movie only to spread the story of Jesus and not to make a huge profit from the money (which was no more than spare change to him) that he poured into this project, I feel that this movie was a wonderful way to reach millions of people and tell them about this aspect of Jesus' life and death. However, the most disturbing aspect of this movie, to me, is the reaction from people who have considered themselves "Christian" their entire lives. I use the quotation marks, because honestly, how can someone who claims to be gracious of Jesus paying the ultimate sacrifice and live their entire life accordingly, be truly gracious of this act when they cannot and obviously do not understand what a terrible price this was to pay? Countless "Christians" have told me that the movie made them bawl their eyes out, rationalizing this because the movie "gave them a new perspective of Jesus." I, for one, did not leave this movie "enlightened." I realized how horrific Jesus' crucifixion actually was from the time I was the ripe old age of ten and have been left trembling and almost in tears every year on Good Friday, sitting in my pew at church.

I'll confess, one part of the movie did almost spark my waterworks, but it had nothing directly to do with Jesus. It had to do with Mary. Any mother, or future mother, or future parent for that matter (don't want to be sexist), can easily realize that there is no worse thing a mother, or parent, can go through than to watch her own child die. There is a scene where Mary has a flashback to when Jesus was a toddler and he falls over. She drops everything to run over and make sure he is okay. She then holds him while he cries. Then the movie cuts back to Jesus, covered in blood, adorned by a crown of thorns, stumbling through the streets with a 70-80 pound cross on his shoulder. Because he is so weak, he falls down in front of her. Mary then runs over and tries to do the same as she did for him when he was a child. Tears shed over this aspect of the movie don't bother me as much, because these tears fall because of maternal or paternal instinct, not from a gross misunderstanding of Jesus and His gracious sacrifice.

Again, I'll concede, the movie was intended to be emotional; however, it is still beyond me how anyone who claims to be a Christian, or even anyone who is remotely familiar with the story of the Passion, could not realize that it was extremely gory, and unbelievably painful for all of those involved. I ask you: WHAT DID YOU THINK IT WAS? Three men, chillin' out on crosses singing "Always Look On The Bright Side of Life" while Roman Centurions play the tambourine, the Cadbury Bunny hops around giving the crowd Cadbury Cream Eggs, and Mary, Mary of Magdala, and Peter color eggs and inflate colorful rabbits? Morons...

And before you get your panties in a bundle, allow me to reiterate. I have no grievances with those of you who had seen the movie hoping to learn about Jesus. I feel that if this was not Mel's main target audience: it should have been. If you ever want to know more about Jesus: talk to me. I have no grievance with anyone who cried during the movie because it was emotional: it was intended to be so. I have no grievances with those who cried because of relating to Mary: I almost cried for what she went through too (that scene was so touching, wasn't it?). I have no grievances with anyone who saw the movie, was moved by the film because they did not realize how terrible Jesus' sacrifice was, and understand that since they hadn't realized his sacrifice was so great, that they hadn't been able to truly appreciated it, and will now change their thoughts and actions. My grievances are with those who, despite a claim of being a Christian, didn't take the time to think about Jesus' suffering and death before it was made into motion picture, and feel no remorse and will institute no corrective for doing so. These are the morons who, despite sitting through church hearing scripture mutter something about Jesus being a "Galilean" and still assuming he's that tall, lanky, white dude with shoulder length brown hair and a beard. But that's a whole different argument...

back to the homestead, my beavahs!