An Essential for Any Sorority
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So, as many of you probably know, I am a fan of Modified Living and for any of you who read the site, Noah, my sensual love slave.... uh.. er... I mean, "friend," has been promising a female counterpart to the Frat Files section entitled, "Sorority Files" for well over six months now. I have decided that I KNOW one specific, often overlooked, stereotypical gal that makes every sorority complete, so I decided I'd fill you in on her.

Sorority Files: The Nutjob

Whether this girl is contemplating whether or not she can take her treadmill up to school and keep it in her dorm room, wrecking her car (yet again), or driving off to Canada to meet a guy she met once, claimed it was love at first sight-- and has now bought the two of them a hotel room over a year later so they can get "reacquainted," a nutjob is essential in any sorority.  Besides providing any sorority with countless hours of entertainment (all in the form of gossip, of course), there are many essential reason why no sisterhood is complete with out one token nutjob.

Number One: When the nutjob's around, the answer to ever-asked question, "Do I look okay?" is always an enthusiastic, "Yes!! Totally!" Allow me to provide a senario to explain exactly what I mean:

Number Two: She gives the advice you need to hear (as if a credible source's version of the truth like matters or something).

Number Three: With the nutjob's extreme, irrational behavior, the other sister's antics are bound to seem normal!

Of course, there are some downsides to having a nutjob in your sorority.

Number One: Her psychotic antics may lead to some public embarassment.

Number Two: She may just flat-out get on your nerves.

But regardless, these are just a few small prices to pay for the piece of mind, as well as the confidence that having a total nutjob in your sorority brings. Because, let's face it.. no matter how skanky, crazy, or ditzy you may actually be, you will never compare to a girl who is just totally nuts!!

Note: All web dolls are from the following website... if you need, want, can't life without a web doll.. go here.