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Graduating From Law School Doesn't Make You a Better Driver

Earlier today, my last official day of my summer break, I drove up to visit my dear sweet, beautiful, loving, caring, compassionate, (and single, fellas!) friend Katie. She and I decided that we would attend the 20th Annual Greek Food Festival (she found a cheesy flyer for it in the mail, so we figured, "why the hell not?") So Katie is spoon-feeding me directions through Squirrel Hill during rush hour, when out of nowhere, a loud crash booms and the entire car shakes.

"Fuck!" I think to myself, "I hit somebody."

I look back and see a minivan with the bumper hanging off the car a little less than halfway pulled out on the road from a parallel parking spot, so I pull off the road, put the four-ways on, and Katie and I try to get out to check the damage, but my passenger door won't open.

"Grrrrrrrrreat." My mental voice responds.

I grab my information and some paper and go down to the other car. The woman is not being rude, persay, but very assertive and claims that I signaled for her to pull in front of me. Hmmmmmm, let's analyze this. First of all, neither Katie nor I even saw this lady, so how in the hell could I have signaled her? Secondly, why in the hell would I signal someone to go, and then hit the gas pedal? At red lights, especially during rush hour in places I'm not familiar with, I make sure I don't pull all the way up to the bumper of the car in front of me, that way if I just so happen to be rear-ended, then I don't hit the car in front of me. Also, sometimes, not all the time as I learned today, it creates a buffer between your car, and some idiot when they try to cut you off. But leaving a three-foot gap is not a "signal" and I sure as hell didn't see this lady, let alone signal her.

Of course, since the mayor has let so many police officers go, the city of Pittsburgh does not allow police officers to make police reports that do not have either people hurt, or cars needing to be towed. This upsets me greatly, because this lady is hording all sorts of "witnesses," brain washing them so that she can have the blame put on me. Her husband shows up while she is on her cell phone talking to her insurance company. All the while, her car is still out in traffic, blocking the way for rush hour traffic, what today was including a fire truck and some other emergency vehicles. The woman who was parallel parked in front of her approached her car, prepared to leave, and she had convinced her to stay in her spot for a couple minutes while her husband took a picture to show where she was in location to the road. Just then, a police officer showed up- either pure coincidence or fate, I'm not sure. He started yelling at the lady to move her car. She wouldn't, so he turned around and came back with his lights flashing. The police officer got out of his car and demanded that her car be moved. She still held her ground, claiming that because she's a lawyer, she knows her rights, and all that kind of crap.

"Everything makes sense; no wonder she's so pushy and argumentative, she's a lawyer." The mental voice adds.

When the voice shuts up, I pay more attention to the lawyer, her husband, and the cop, then the voice chimes in again, "Holy crap! An altercation is ensuing! This will make me look good!" After a few more mean words and menacing glares between the couple and the police officer, and also a couple more snaps of her camera, the minivan is pulled out of traffic's way.

By this time, I am still pretty much frazzled by the whole ordeal, and what I want more than anything is a police report, because Ms. Lawyer has gathered all these "witnesses" and my only evidence is that the front of her car is damaged, and the entire side of mine is. That would mean that she hit me, but no one has any type of recorded information concerning that factor. So I go over to the policeman and ask him what I need to do to obtain a police report. He basically tells me not to worry because it is obviously her fault. I don't remember the exact wording, but he called her an idiot and commented on how she figured since she was a lawyer, she's not at fault.

Now, because of her, my poor baby car is maimed! I have no car for work tomorrow, or for class, which starts two days from now, and most imporantly, I missed the Greek Food Festival. ::Sigh:: I guess there's always next year.

UPDATE: The following day, the lawyer, her husband, and her daughter came into my place of employment to eat! What are the odds!?! I didn't have to wait on them; however, they did stare at me, so I went over and tried to make conversation, "So, hey, isn't this weird!? You guys are alright, correct!? Okay, take care!"

UPDATE: My car was estimated at $2,366.some odd cents worth of damage! My poor baby!! Pictures will be posted as soon as I can get my hands on them.

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