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By Using My Mojo, I Got Hoes.... at Kinko's
By Using My Mojo, I Got Hoes.... at Kinko's

(a lovely story about loosing my Kinkos' cherry + lots of kissing rich's ass)

If you haven't talked to me in about two weeks, or haven't deduced this from simply reading my sarcastic-riddled banter, for public speaking class, the moron that I am, I really wanted to write an informative speech on mullets. My professor allowed me, but only if I made another speech, a persuasive speech, about mullets as well. And of course, persuading someone to cut their hair into a mullet or not is far too trivial, so this had to be something good, and it would be, I assured her. I strained and strained at my little blonde noggin when it hit me: why not be sarcastic? So I became a mullets-rights advocate, wrote the speech, formed an interest group, the lot. My professor often insisted two things during class, "put something in your audience's hand and they will be more likely to act" and "if you call your audience to act, it will account better in your grade." So I take the PETM logo off to Kinko's and I get stickers made. My intention is to give the stickers to the class, and put the url of the website on the back, tell my minions, I mean the audience, to go to the website. I, being a Kinko's virgin, called first and made sure of as many details as I could possibly think would be important. I take my logo (which rich fathered, btw) on a floppy in pdf format (because richard, as wonderful as he is, reformatted it for me), and I go in. The man helping me was the same man I had spoken to on the phone the day before and he was all smiles. He was very helpful and it made me happy because the whole sticker-making process was perplexulating (yes PERPLEXULATING) me. He was ringing me up, he informed me of a few formatting-related things that I should have been charged for, but wasn't because he was "such a nice guy." Nice guy indeed!! He popped my Kinko's cherry and I have the kewlest mullet-advocate stickers ever made!!!

Mullet Task Force: just like S.W.A.T. only not