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  • What's with the screenname?
    • In my early high school years, the retarded, no not retarded, we'll go with "brain deficient" freshman class at the old alma mater decided that I looked like Mandy Moore. I don't know what the mini bus conniosseurs were talking about: I mean, I'm tall and thin with long blonde hair, but I don't I look like her at all, as you have seen in my pictures that are scattered around this site. So I came up with a grand idea to make those cognitively challenged classmates of mine change their minds: I reinvented myself. I started to hike up my skirt a little bit, I sang songs about how I was such a naughty girl, and I had my P.R. people release rumors about my sex life. ::sigh:: But it was all in vain because Christina Aguilera beat me to it. (Sure does look like someone rubbed her bottle the wrong way, huh?)
  • Hey, can you make a page about me/put this on your site for me?
    • I don't know, I'll think about it; maybe if I like you I will, but what's in it for me?
  • Do you have a life?
    • To be honest with you, and I think the site shows it: not really. This summer, I've had to deal with a lot of things that were out of my control. I honestly didn't know how to cope, so I set up this website. Like I said in the index: it's the only thing keeping me pseudo-sane. This page is just basically an escape for me. When some people get stressed out, they binge eat, or drink a lot, or hole themselves up, me: I make a crazy-assed webpage about everything and anything and entertain myself and plenty of other people who have read it. Now who's the idiot? So, I hope you feel like a big crap head for asking!

take me back to the luau, i wanna get leied